Boros István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 8. (Budapest 1957)

Gozmány, L.: Notes on the generic group Symmoca Hbn. (Lep. Gelechiidae)

Mura vera, Sardegna, 2. VI. 1936, leg. Amse 1), but its very distinctive pattern is almost non-existent, and its venation quite different from that of the normal oxybiella Mill., of which I have a large series from Spain, France and Italy, and which all show the normal venation of the genus Amselina Gozm., as described above. (The sole exception is the small stalk of m 3 + cuj on the hind wing of some Spanish animals). Accordingly, the genus Symmocoides Amsel cannot be based on this (teratological?) specimen, but must be restricted to similis Ams., as its new generotype. Gen. prep. 97, (also 98), Levens, Gallia mer., 10. VIII. 1926, leg. Schmidt (fig. 7 : J). vetustella Zerny 1936 ( = atlanticella Lucas 1937 gen. prep. 3010, made by V i e 11 e of the holotype). This seems to be a highly varying species. Either the vetustella specimen of Zerny is very light and therefore its pattern too distinctive, or Luca s's specimen of atlanticella is too dark so that the pattern is almost indiscernible. There is no doubt as to the identity of the two species. Its male organ is characterized by the very high and long dorsal appendage, and the very anteriorly situated costal one. Only angustipennis Rbl., ot aegrella Wlsghm. show a similar construction. Gen. prep. 122, Marokko, Gr. Atlas, Goundafa, 1200 m, 21-29. VI. 1933, leg. Zerny, lectoholotype (fig. 7 : I). Hamartema gen. n. Hairs loosely forward on head, labial palpi porrect, rather long, second joint scarcely hairy, third almost as long, acute; antennae smooth. Fore wing long, narrow, pointed. Venation : r 1 from middle of cell, r 3 near upper angle of Fig. 6. — Male genital organs. A : Conquassata alhambrella Wlsghm., B : Aprominta designa­tella HS., C : A. izctaphella Rbl., D : A. cryptogamarum Mill., E : Catasphalma Kautziella Rbl., F : Parthenoptera virginella Rbl., G : Acrosyntaxis angustipennis Rbl., H : Eremíca pales Gozm., I : E. saharae Oberthür (= saharae Wlsghm.), J : E. cedestiella Z.

