Boros István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 8. (Budapest 1957)

Gozmány, L.: Notes on the generic group Symmoca Hbn. (Lep. Gelechiidae)

base of the valva, whilst atricanella Rbl. has no lobe, or, indeed, that of alhamb­rella Wlsghm. is much longer. Gen. prep. 135, El Kantára, Algeria, 29. V. 1903, leg. Walsingham, No 89963, coll. Amsel, paratype (fig 7 : C). Tenieta Amsel 1942. Head loosely haired ; labial palpi porrect, hairs of second joint appressed, third joint very acute; antennae filiform, 4/5, smooth. Fore wing evenly taper­ing, blunt. Venation : r x from middle of cell, r 3 from upper angle of cell, together with r 4+5 on a very long stalk, r 5 to termen immediately below apex, m 2 , 3 conas­cent, cubitals coincident. Hind wing as broad as fore wing, slowly tapering. Venation : rr + m t on a very long stalk, m 2 near to conascent m 3 and cu x ; cell long, pointed (fig. 1 : H). Generotype : albidella Rbl. albidella Rebel 1900. No male specimen known. Amselina gen. n. Head with loose hairs anteriorly ; labial palpi porrect to slightly ascend­ing, second joint sparsely haired, third joint acute, almost as long as second ; antennae evenly and finely ciliated. Fore wings slowly tapering to a point. Venation : r x from 1/5 of cell, other radiais near end of cell, r 4+5 from upper angle, on a long stalk, r 5 strictly to apex, medians equidistant, cubitals from one point or somewhat separated from each other, cu 2 strongly arched, cUj only sometimes concave, both from about lower angle of cell. Hind wing slowly tapeiing, pointed. Venetion : rr + n^ on a long stalk, m 1 to or just below apex, end of cell between m 2 and conascent m 3 -f cu 1? cu 2 far removed ; cell long. (fig. 1 : I). Generotype : olympi sp. n. olympi sp. n. — Alar exp. : 16 mm. Antennae 4/5 ; labial palpi from porrect to ascending, third joint 2/3 as long as second, pointed, second roughly haired. Head, palpi, scapulae, thorax, abdomen and legs a medium fawn-brown. Basic color of fore wings greyish-white, with no discernible pattern but with a dense and uniform irroration of fawn-brown scales which almost form a double, verti­cal pair of spots at end of cell. Ciliae grey, with the brown scales protruding on them along termen. Hind wings a light brownish grey, semitranslucent, ciliae grey, long. Differs from the allied vetustella Zerny by its patternless fore wings and colora­tion. Its male organ supports two large appendages of which the costal one is distinguished by its strongly protruding base, the dorsal by its blunt, rounded head (fig. 7 : H), thereby differring from vetustella Zerny, and especially molitor Wlsghm. Holotype male: Bithynia, Bolu, 11-20. VI, 1934, leg. Schwin­ge n s c h u s s, Museum Vienna, gen. prep. 523. Type in the Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna. oxybiella Milliere 1872. Its male organ distinguished by the highly recurved and pointed, sickle-shaped dorsal appendage, which is a form I have not met with in any of the species examined by me. Amse l's oxybiella Mill, specimen, on which he erected the genus Symmocoides Ams., is a curiously aberrative speci­men, which I have seen. It is indubitably an oxybiella Mill. (gen. prep. 950, 22 Természettudományi. Múzeum Évkönyve

