Boros István (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 4. (Budapest 1952)

Horváth, L.: The ornis of the Mecsek Mountains based on oecologic and oologic researches

14. Apus a. apus L. Swift. — It is nesting regularly in Pécs ; but judging after the speci­mens observed, there may nest only one or two pairs in Pécsvárad. Nesting data from- Pécs : two clutches of two eggs found on my loft, 7. June, 1945 ; a clutcti of three, 21. May, 1946 : and two clutches of three, 21. May, 1948; and a clutch of two, 22. May, 1948. 15. Merops apiaster L. Bee-eater. — I can only count it among the birds of the Mecsek, because I have seen it frequently over the Misina in the spring ; and many young specimens may be seen in the Eastern Mecsek on the clearings with only some trees left, north of the Büdös­kút : it gathers here in big flocks on higher oaks in the fall. 16. Tyto alba guttata Brehm. Barn Owl. — A pair was dwelling in the chimney of an empty house in the valley between Óbánya—Kisújbánya, in the summer of 1949. 17. Streptopelia d. decaocto Friv. Collared Turtle-dove. — I found it nesting in Pécs, in the garden of the Zsolnay Mausoleum, 10. April, 1946 ; and found another nest here 14. April. It is a very frequent nesting bird everywhere in the city, and I have observed it often also in Pécs­várad and Hosszúhetény. But I have never met with this bird in the settlements of the Mountains. As a summary I should like to give a short recapitulation in numbers. Í have observed 94 species of birds in the Mecsek ; of these I found 74 nesting, too. There­fore 19 species do not breed here, that is, 3 may do it (Wood Pigeon, Scops Owol, Crested Lark), but I did not succeed in finding their nests. This number of occurring, and especially of nesting, species must be held big as we have here a mountainous district of only 35 kilometers length and 5—10 kms breadth. As the quantity of the birds are concerned, all of them (with the ex­ceptions of the Blackbird, the Song Thrush, the Chaffinch, the Greenfinch, the Grey Tit, and the Turtledove) occur or nest here only in small numbers as related to the other territories of our country. The Ecologie Distribution of the Ornis of the Mecsek The Meaning of the Various Numerical Columns : I. : Environment of Streams ; II.: Forest Clearings.and the Edge of Woods III : Young Woods; IV : Middle-Aged Timber ; V : Old Woods ; VI : Cornfields ; VU : Vineyards, Orchards ; VIII : Settlements. ­B > > > > > ­5 > > > > > Corvus corax X Fringilla coelebs X Corvus c. comix X Passer domesticus X Coloeus monedula ...*... X Passer montanus X Pica pica X Emberiza citrinella X Nucifraga caryocatactes . Garrulus glandarius Oriolus oriolus — — X X — — — — Emberiza hortulana Galerida cristata — X X Nucifraga caryocatactes . Garrulus glandarius Oriolus oriolus X X X X Lullula arborea X Coccothraustes coccoth. .. X Alauda arvensis ....... X Chloris chloris X Anihus triviális X Carduelis carduelis X Motacilla cinerea X X Carduelis spinus Carduelis cannabina Serinus c. serinus Pyrrhula pyrrhula X — X — — — X X Motacilla alba Certhia familiáris Tichodroma muraria ... S Uta europaea — — X X — — — X X Loxia curvirostra X Parus maior

