Szekessy Vilmos (szerk.): A Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum évkönyve 41. (Budapest 1948)

Szurovy, G.: Geological structure of the Southern part of the Great Hungarian Plain

Revízió 200. Sz-uiiíógépen t C^iPÍ l.c Annales Historico^Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici Vol. XLI. Budapest, 1948. No. 1, p. 1-24. Redigit : V. Székessy. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE GREAT HUNGARIAN PLAIN. By G. Szurovy (Budapest). (With 29 Figures and 5 Tables.) Contents. I. Introduction. II. Former assumptions as to the structure of the Hungarian Plain. The theories of Böckh, Cholnoky, Loczy jun. The results of the deep well drillings executed by the Hung. Roy. Fisc and by the Anglo­Persian Oil Company from 1911 to 1935. III. Geophysical measurements. (Torsion balance and gravi meter, seis­mic.) The gravity structures. IV. The latest deep well drillings. V. The structures Tótkomlós, Ferencszállás, Sándorfalva, Madaras, Körösszegapáti, Kismarja. VI. Technical execution of the drillings. VII. The gas-, oil-, and water from the deep wells. VIII. Summary. I. Introduction. The great Hungarian Plain or Alföld first attracted the atten­tion of the oil exploring' geologists, when it was proved that the inner rim of the Carpathians, in contrast to Galicia, was unfit for greater accumulations of oil owing to its extremely indeterminate structure. Geological investigations succeeded in discovering traces of oil in the Kárpátalja, natural gas in Transsylvania and in the

