Czére Andrea szerk.: A Szépművészeti Múzeum közleményei 105. (Budapest, 2006)

ANDRÁS FÁY - MIKLÓS GÁLOS: The Restoration of Maarten van Heemskerck's Budapest Lamentation Panel

embarrassing questions that hitherto have been attached to the picture, have disappeared. The museum's one-time director Elek Petrovics' words thanking Marcell Nemes tor his do­nation seem to be really true nearly a century later: "The interesting and beautiful painting, wdiich is a characteristic and powerful production of its age, is a welcome addition to our Institute's sixteenth-century collection".' 6 András Fay is conservator and Miklós Gálos is assistant curator at Department of Old Master Paintings, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. NOTES ' Oil, oak; 78.5x67.5 cm; inv. no. 4936. A. Pigler, Katalog der Galerie Alter Meister, Budapest 1967, 305; Museinn of Fine Arts Budapest. Old Masters' Gallery. Summary Catalogue, vol. 2, Early Netherlandish, Dutch and Flemish Paintings, ed. I. Ember and Zs. Urbach, Budapest 2000, 81. 2 Archives of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, no. 171/1916: Royal councillor Jánoshalmi Alarczell Nemes' letter of 21 February, 1916, about the donation. The letter of thanks from the Minister of Religion and Education can also be found in the archives (Archives of the Aluseum of Fine Arts, Budapest, no. 296/1916, 17 March, 1916). None of the documents mentions the origin of the painting. We would like to take the opportunity here to express our thanks to our colleague, István Németh, who called our attention to the documents. ' G. Térey, Az Országos Magyar Szépművészeti Múzeum Régi Képtárának katalógusa, Budapest 1924: Catalogue of the Paintings by Old Masters, Budapest 1924 (1931), 69. 4 L. Preibisz, Martin van Heemskerck. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Romanismus in der niederländischen Malerei des XVI. Jahrhunderts, Leipzig 1911; L. von Baldass, "Neuerwerbungen des Budapester Museums der bildenden Künste", Kunst und Kunsthandwerk 20 (1917), 387-410, 389 (fig.); B. Lázár, "Die Neuerwerbungen des Budapester Museums der Schönen Künste", Die Bildenden Künste 1 (1916/18), 117-26, fig. 208; E. Petrovics, "A Szépművészeti Múzeum újabb szerzeményei", Az Országos magyar Szépművészeti Múzeum Evkönyvei 1 (1918), 178-209, fig. 18; E. Petrovics, "Hollandi képek a Szépművészeti Múzeumban", A Muharát 3 (1923), 18-19. 5 R. Grosshans, Maerten van Heemskerck. Die Gemälde, Berlin 1980, cat. 41. The recensions of Grosshans' monograph, which are quite critical in regard to some questions of attribution and dating, do not mention the Budapest painting: E. K.J. Reznicek, Oud-Holland 97(1983), 40-46; D. Freedberg, The Burlington Magazine 126 (1984), 298-300; L. Silver, Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 47 (1984), 269-80. 6 Zsuzsa Urbach on the painting: Renaissance Paintings from the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, exh. cat., Tokyo 1994, cat. 64, 221. In the catalogue entry the author does not touch upon the problem of overpaintings.

