Tátrai Vilmos szerk.: A Szépművészeti Múzeum közleményei 95. (Budapest, 2001)

SZÉPE, HELENA KATALIN: Civic and artistic identity in illuminated Venetian documents

Budapest was made in 1590, three years after Duodo's Giuramento and it shows Tom­maso Morosini being presented by Venice personified to Christ, who holds the banner of the Resurrection, a variation of the theme presented in Duodo's miniature (fig. 52). 45 The page has been attributed to the artist Alessandro Merli, 46 for whom two signed miniatures survive, but comparison with the leaves signed by Merli in St. Petersburg and Venice indicates that the Budapest leaf is by a different artist, whom I propose be named the 'Budapest Master'. 47 Two miniatures in the British Library are of the same hand, distinguished by elongated, slender figures and softened contours, 48 and the commissione leaf also in the Museum of Doge Pasquale Cicogna to Silvestro Memmo is by a related hand (fig. 53). Another miniature for a Tommaso Morosini is a fascinating detached leaf from the British Library of 1585-1595 (fig. 54) in the same hand as the 1578 Duodo minia­ture. 49 I have never seen another one like this: it quotes from Psalm 84: 'Veritas de terra orta est: et iustitia de caelo prospexif ("Truth is sprung out of the earth: and justice hath looked down from heaven"). It is interesting to compare it to a remarkable Hans Rottenhammer drawing of Venus and Amor dated 1596, while Rottenhammer was in Venice. The drawing may have been influenced by the dogale itself, by a similar drawing by the miniaturist, or by another artist altogether who influenced both of them. 50 Veritas is interpreted in the dogale as Venus stretching out her heart to Justice, who in 45 Inv. 1906-264. Although the location of his assignment is not on the leaf, he was assigned to be podestà of Brescia in 1590. Podestaria e eapitanato di Brescia, Relazioni dei rettori veneti in terraferma 11, Milan 1978, LII. 46 Fenyő, I. ed., Disegni veneti del Museo di Budapest, Venice: Fondazione Cini 1965, 40-41, cat. 44. 47 Zuccolo Padrono, G.M., Postula attorno ad Alessandro Merli, Arte Veneta 23 (1969) 221-223. I believe that another miniature in St. Petersburg tentatively attributed to Merli by Gukovsky is better assigned to Giorgio Colonna. Gukovsky, M., Un manoscritto vene/.iano del secolo XVI" nella Biblioteca dell'Ermitage di Leningrado, Arte Veneta 23 (1969) 220. See also my entry on Merli forthcoming in the Dizionario biografico dei miniatori italiani. 48 London, British Library Add. 20916, 19, and Add. 17034, folio lv, c. 1580. 49 Commissione of Doge Pasquale Cicogna to Tommaso Morosini as podestà of (erased: Verona?, elected 1586). London, British Library, Add. 20916, 22. Cicogna, Bibliográfia Veneziana 1, 461, nos 3441-3443; Other dogali for Tommaso Morosini: Correr III, 197, Commission as Capitano of Zara, July 29, 1579 (lacking first folio); Correr III, 205, Commission as Luogotenente of Udine, August 20, 1599. 50 Frankfurt am Main, Städelsches Kunstinstitut, inv. cat. 1895. Illustrated in Renaissance Venice and the North, ed. Aikema, B., Brown, B.L., New York 1999, catalogue entry and fig. 203, entry by Andrew John Martin, pp. 644-645. Bodovino is documented as having an extensive collection of drawings. Cesare Vecellio wrote of "un'habito antico di roma da donna, il quale era portato per tutta Italia...E di questo sopraposto disegno con molti altri antichi mi fu fatto dono dalFeccellentissimo Messer Giovanni Maria Bodovino primo miniatore de'tempi nostri, padre delle inventioni in detta professione, ed ottimo disegnatore nelle sue opere, alle quali da' tanto spirito, che rassembrano le naturali benissimo." Cesare Vecellio, Degli habiti antichi, et moderni di diverse parti del mondo, Venice 1590, 26a. In Bodovino's last testament of 1600 (Zuamaria Buduin Minador dil. g.m. Francesco Fassato dalla Vazzola), he requested that "...Li mei dissegni in carta, et de Aquarelle fatti in stampa, et a'penna, lasso a Valerio Mariani mio allievo, et a S. Giacomo di Ferri mio allievo medesmi.te..." Bodovino also requested that 'alcune miniature' be left to Zanetto 'mio nepote' (Archivio di Stato, Venice. Testament for Zuanmaria Buduin of Calle dele Acque in San Julian. Notarile Testamenti Francesco Alcaini, B. 37. September 3, 1600). A full transcription of the testament will be found in my forthcoming book on dogali.

