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Aranyosi Sándor: A modernizáció problematikája Mezőpetriben

SZABÓ Á. Töhötöm 2006 Falusi modernizáció: változás vagy válság? http://\v\vw.korunk.org/korunk/?q = node/821 7 Utol­só letöltés: 2009. január 20. T. BERECZKI Ibolya 2002 A népi építészet, a lakáskultúra és az életmód változásai a 19-20. században. In: Téka (szerk.: T BERCZKI Ibolya-BÍRÓ Friderika). 2001/2 Szentendre TAGÁNYI Zoltán 1971 Paraszttársadalom és indusztralizáció. In: Ethnographia LXXXII. 3. 321-342. VALUCH Tibor 2005 Magyarország társadalomtörténete a XX század második felében. Budapest 2006 A magyar művelődés 1948 után. In: Magyar Művelődéstörténet (szerk.: KOSA László). Budapest VI GA Gyula 2007 Gazdasági kapcsolatok hagyományos formái. Studia Folkloristica et Ethnographica 50. Debrecen Sándor Aranyos Aspects of modernisation in Mezőpetri I deal with local social, economic and lifestyle changes being consequences of the establishment of the socialist state organisation. It is my intention to examine the social and economic changes from the period between the two world wars to our days and to see how the community of Mezőpetri was getting structured and how it was functioning under the pressure of big historical cataclysms. The village of ethnic Germans in Romania belonged to Hungary before 1920 when it was annexed to Romania following the peace dictate of Trianon. 1 choose the period between 1945 and 1956 as the time-frame of my research - the present work is the interpretation of the phase of pre-research on behalf of a bigger study. The results of my research are dealt with in present writing. 1945 is the beginning of the building up of the centralised power and 1956 is the year when the communist ideology had been shaken the first time. The political structure determines the economy, which re-structures the society, and as a consequence, the peoples' lifestyle and value system undergoes changes as well. I present this contact system in the context of modernisation resulting from the socialist transformations within the mentioned timeframe and space. The two most important production organisations (the association and the collective) were both present in the village between 1945 and 1956. The means of production consisted in the second half of the 20th century still of the confiscated goods and no transformation had taken place yet: the conditions as in the thirties remained characteristic. This time the socialist power tried to force the creation of centrally controlled farm organisations upon the population. Mechanisation started in 1957. The transformation of the communal relations resulted from two sources: one was the farming, the other was the availability of new technical instruments. The transformation of economic structure had caused the re-structuring of the society not earlier than 1960. But changes in the field of value system and lifestyle are already perceivable. 189

