VÁROS ÉS FALU HATÁRÁN (Kiállítási katalógusok - Szentendre, Szabadtéri Néprajzi Múzeum, 2010)

Erdőbényei kapás felvonulás „kissáfárai" a kapáscímerrel. Fotó: Erdész Sándor 1952. (Néprajzi Múzeum Fotótára F109130) Stewards of a hoe procession with the hoe emblem in Erdőbénye, Photo: Sándor Erdész 1952. (Museum of Ethnography Photo collection F109130) sokra jellemző farsangi felvonulások jellegze­tes szereplői, az erdőbényei bodnárok, sáfárok, vőfélyek, a mádi vörös ruhába öltözött lovas törökök és magyar menyecskék a szokást ért politikai és idegenforgalmi befolyás ellenére a helyi közösségeknek saját, és szőlőműveléshez fűződő múltjának fontos kifejezője maradt. A special layer of the clothes in the market­towns in the Uplands are relating to the vintage processions. However, the observation of the clothes can be understood parallel with the changes and transformation of the traditions only. The first vintage procession in Erdőbénye was held as late as the 1920s; the feast was brought into fashion by the workers settled from Transdanubia, in which several elements of the festival initiated by minister of agriculture of that time in 1901 can be recognised —e.g., field-ranger girls in Hungarian costumes.The carnival feast organised by the hoe associations and torch associations in Erdőbénye,Tállya, Olaszliszka and Mád had been traditional long before —we have data about them even from the middle of the 19th century. Some feasts terminated during the phylloxera plague were held again around 1900. The processions traditionally held in the carnival season were organised in the Tokai Vintage Feast in 1932. The feast was held annually —either in autumn or in winter —up to 1945 as tourists were interested; after 1945 it was organised in autumn each year and it has been part of the traditions which are renewed from time to time. The characteristic participants of the carnival processions peculiar to each town —coopers, stewards and best men in Erdőbénye, horse-riding Turks clad in red in Mád and Hungarian young wives —despite the effects of politics and tourism have remained an important reminiscent of the past of the local co mmunities. (Lackner Mónika)

