Deim Pál - Deim Péter - Deim Tamás - Deim Balázs: KONTINUUM (Kiállítási katalógusok - Szentendre, Szabadtéri Néprajzi Múzeum, 2009)

CONTINUUM It is not an easy task to approach the works of Pál Deim, Péter Deim, Tamás Deim and Balázs Deim from an objective point of view - but it might not even be necessary, since the concept of the exhibition is based on the idea of the family. In this case the idea postulates complex relationships as it refers not only to the continuity of generations but to the continuousness of certain characteristics in their art as well. Point of origin of this intricate "continuum" is Pál Deim. Essential aspect of his art is the evolution of balance and of harmony from the ambivalent connection between the rationality of abstract image elements and the emotional contents of emblematic forms. A steady motive of his paintings is the doll, which - following Lajos Németh's words - "carries besides a plastic module-function a transcendent, mystic meaning, emotionally loaded." 1 Rationality and lyricism, the presence of the duality of human mode of existence and of spiritual sphere is perceptible to different extents in the works of the younger family members too. Péter Deim is a sovereign artist and still such a determinant personality as a man and as a painter like Pál Deim leaves his impression in Peter Deim's works; not so much in the characteristics of form, it becomes explicit rather in a kind of perceptible sensibility, in the urge for researching spiritual dimensions. We observe in Peter Deim's art the duality consisting of a conscious principle of composition and of the emotional contents but mostly lyricism gains the upper hand. Thanks to his continuous experimenting, his way leads from the realistic photographs over photogram and photo montage to photo graphics, which provide him with wider space for the composition of more abstract thoughts. The conscious, rational aspect is determinant in Tamás Deim's art, which can be associated with Pál Deim's "mathematical-geographical logic perceptible in his clean space structuring,,/' His works of civil engineer, as well as the exhibited animation presenting architectural structures confirm this assumption. At the same time, his orientation towards fine arts can't be excluded neither, since the sensibility of treating his subjects on his works is obvious. Balázs Deim's photos reveal his receptivity to the world beyond human reality, which he approaches by a unique way. Everyday objects, mechanic structures, organic forms of his photos suggest the omnipresence of a dimension beyond the visible reality. He tries to penetrate a spiritual sphere with the help of the camera in the function of medium, by using the optic perception. Pál Deim's black and white paintings are being exhibited, which he produced between his lifework exhibition in 2006 and 2009; the paintings chime with the black and white photos, which constitute the major part of the works. The selection presents Péter Deim's different periods and centres of interest, comprising photos, photograms and photo montages made with traditional technique, photo graphics made with mixed technique and an installation. Tamás Deim exhibits a computer animation based on architectural calculation. Pictures, which are results of experiments with different photographic techniques are organised in series to represent the youngest member of the family, Balázs Deim. At last, we have to mention Sára Deim, who graces the exhibition's opening with her piano playing. With this, music is added to fine arts and architecture to complete the exhibition's concept. Réka Deim 1 Németh Lajos: Reflection upon the space. Thoughts about Pál Deim's art. (Elmélkedés a térről. Gondolatok Deim Pál művészetéről). In: Művészet, 1975. 1. sz. 20-23. 2 See above

