Claudius F. Mayer: From Plato to Pope Paul / Orvostörténeti Közlemények – Supplementum 17. (Budapest, 1989)

1920 and 1924. He published a map of Brazil which proved Hirohito's expansionist policy to conquer the Amazon area by infiltration. OLIVEIRA argues, that the entire immigration policy should be based upon eugenics and nationalism: "Eugenia e nacionalismo, eis dos postulados em que, ora, deve asentar toda politica imigratoria." (p. 175). Cf. also LINTON R. (1949): Most of the world , N.Y., 220. Also P ERSON, I.e., 344. 522 In the 1920-30 decade, about 400 000 Poles, 600 000 Italians, and 300 000 Spaniards entered France as seasonal workers (Cf. TAFT, I.e. 189). This stirred tension. 523 Vacher de LAPOUGE, (I.e. 368) says that —considering the essence of a nation —naturalization is non-sense, both biological and political. "Fabriquer des Francais par deçrét, des Anglais artificiels ou des Allemands postiches est une des plus belles aberration du droit" "La puissance publique ne peut pas plus faire d'un étranger un national que changer une femmeen homme." A foreigner can be given the rights of a Frenchman, he can be used as a national, but not as a Frenchman. In 1939, a law was enacted providing for a general revision of all naturalizations granted in the previous thirteen years. Cf. WATSON C. (1953/54): Population Studies, vii, 263-286; v.viii, 46. etc. Another xenophobic law put the economically surplus male foreigners in labor camps in 1940. 524 This was the National Office of Immigration, set up on 2. Nov. 1945. It was felt that after the losses of World War II. more attention should be paid to quality and manpower needs. The Minister of Population was empowered to fix the maximum number of aliens by nationality to be admitted to any one département. 525 Cf. SOUZ D. (1958): The political denationalization of the national minorities. Caucasian Review, No. 7. 144,— KARCHA, R. (1956): Genocide in Northern Caucasus. Ibid., No. 2. 74-84.—DJABUGAI, V. G. (1955): Soviet nationality policy and genocide. Ibid., No. 1., 71-80. See also Soviet family and communism. Bull. Inst. Studv Hist. USSR, 1954, v. 1. No. 3, 43-46. 526 Such eugenically undesirable elements were in the U.S. the Japanese inhabitants during World War II. Their transfer into relocation camps was based upon the theory of racial inferiority which the Armed Forces were fighting about. Cf. THOMAS, D. S. and NISHIMOTO, R. S. (1946): The Spoilage, Berkeley. The American Supreme Court declared: "Civil rights are relative to national need, and not absolute." —Already in the xix. ct. it was the determined effort of the German masters to suppress Polish national feeling, wipe out Polish language, and forcibly disposses Polish landowners and replace them with Germans. Cf. ZUBRZYCKI (1953): Population Studies, vi, p. 255. BISMARCK *S Kulturkampf in the early seventies war directed against Catholics and Poles. But this program was unsuccessful. Further attacks against the Poles followed, including the acts during the World War II. Poles, Jews, Ukrainians, Belorussians, and Gypsies were considered racially alien to German. Cf. KAMENETSKY, I. (1961): Secret Nazi Plans for Eastern Europe; a study of Lebensraum policies, N.Y. Although the ideology of national socialist Germans did not specifically include a positive program of genocide, it had tendencies which, when followed, made such a program inevitable. 527 Soon after the so-called II. Vienna Agreement in 30. Aug. 1940., the "German Ethnic Group" was established in Hungary, including more than 800 000 Germans. Many of them were forc­ibly recruited during the war into the "Waffen SS". After the war, during the Russian occupa­tion of Hungary, they were partly deported, partly forcibly expelled between 1946 and 1948. Such "population transfer" included about 310 000 Germans. Cf. the first Transfer Ordinance No. 12330/1945 M. E. on p. 92-94, Dokumentation der Vertreibung der Deutschen. Bd. II. (GERMANY. Bundesministerium für Vertriebene, etc.). 528 This repatriation had several stages: 1. deportation of Polish and Jewish population from western provinces. 2. bringing German groups to Germany, 3. German resettlement of new areas (from 1939 to 1941). German peasants resisted moving to the East. Population was classified by SS resettlement squads. The asocial and racially inferior was sent to Auschwitz. 529 HITLER, A. (1941/ed.): Mein Kampf . This sentence is from vol. 1,1. The work is interesting from an eugenic point of view. "The sin against the blood and the degradation of the race are the hereditary sin of this world, and the end of mankind surrendering to them." (339). See also ROSENBERG (1935): Der Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts: "... der deutsche Adelsorden wird in erster Linie ein Bauernadel und Swertadel sein müssen. .. damit aber auch die Voraus­setzung zur Zeugen gesunder Nachkommen am wahrscheinlichsten ist." (596). 81

