Claudius F. Mayer: From Plato to Pope Paul / Orvostörténeti Közlemények – Supplementum 17. (Budapest, 1989)

The severing of the vasa deferentia and its relation to the neuropathic constitution. New York Med. J. March 8. Cf. also HALLER 1. c. footn. 437. -491 SCHEINFELD A. (1965): Your Heredity and Environment. Philadelphia, on p. 735-749. gives "wayward gene tables". —See also VERSCHÜR, O. Freiherr v. (1959): Genetik des Menschen. München, 142. 492 GODDELL, W. (1882): Clinical notes on the exstirpation of the ovaries for insanity. Am. J. Insan., 38: Jan. 295., and other similar articles. 493 DUGDALE, R. L. (1874): The Jukes.— GOÐÐAR, H. H. (1912): The Kaliikak family.— JÖR­GER, J. (1905): Die Familie Zero. Arch. Rass. Ges. Biol. 2: 494-559, etc. 494 BEKKER, P. (1912): Beethovenbiographie , Berlin, says that Beethoven came from a degenerate family of drunkards. If his father would have been sterilized, there would have been no musical genius. B.'s grandmother became a drunkard after the birth of B.'s father. Her husband was a wine merchant. B.'s mother had no degeneration. 495 Cf. MYERSON, A. (1943): Yale Law J., 52: 618, etc.—HAMMOND, W. A. (1S92): Castration. Journ. of Am. Med. Ass., 18: Apr. 16. 499, suggests castration as a substitute for capital punish­ment. Cf. also AMER. BAR FOUNDATION (1962): The Mentally Disabled and the Law. 496 Long before this, directors of penal institutions and mental asylums secretely and illegally steri­lized many. Since 1899 vasectomy was a regular practice. Many more U. S. states followed suit, but the practice is now supposed to be on the decline. Cf. O'HARA, J. B. (1956): Georgetown Law J., 45: 20 etc. 497 The German Law was called " Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses'''', and it made ste­rilization obligatory. Special courts were set up (Erbgesundheitsgericht). VERSCHÜR says that these racial political laws and forceful acts had nothing to do any more with eugenics; they were the result of a political ideology (See his Eugenik , 1966, 14.) See also BRITISCH SPECIAL LEGAL RESEARCH UNIT (194S): Translation of Nazi health laws. 48. Berl. 8. Nov. 1945. 498 GALTON, F. (1883): Inquiries into Human Faculty. 2. ed. N. Y., footnote 17:—he first used the term 'eugenics' for improvement of the human race by better breeding. But he did not pro­pose any practical measures, except guidance of selection, "judicious marriages during several consecutive generations". PLOETZ uses the term "racial hygiene" in the same sense (1895), 1. c. footn. 105. 499 This was due to the efforts of GALTON, PLOETZ. WEISMANN. and others. SCHALLMA­YER 1. c. footn. 415, doubted that any progress of medicine would bring a betterment to the human species: ".. .die denkbar grössten Fortschritte, welche die therapeutische Medizin der Zukunft etwa machen könne, wohl der jeweiligen kranken Individuen, nicht aber der menschli­chen Gattung zum Heile reichen werden."—Cf. also AMMON, O., 1893; LENZ, F., 1921. 500 Victor HEHN (ca. 1880): "Italien " (in the 3. preface): describes this eugenic exchange in a poe­tic form: ".. .die Bevölkerung der norddeutschen Ebene durch Mischung mit der des APEN­NTNEN gebirges zu einer dritten und vierten veredelten, mit den schönsten Anlagen und Ei^ genschaften ausgestatteten Rasse zu machen. ..". 501 GALTON, F. (1822-1911): launched such studies in 1869 (Hereditary Genius, Lond.). He also encouraged statistical studies of variation and heredity by Karl PEARSON. Cf. also ODIN, A. (1895): Genese des grands hommes. Paris. —These studies became the foundation of genetic psychology, and they continued after the rediscovery of Mendelian laws. Its chief methods are: character analysis, family anthropology, and twin research. See also BALL ET: De praecocibus eruditis, 1715.—CANCELLIERI: Intorno uomini dotati di gran memória, 1715.— MORE AU (de Tours) Psychologie morbide, 1859,—RIBOT: Ł ¿ređit¿ psychologiqus, 1878. 502 These elements are well outlined in SCHALLMAYER I.e. footn. 415. They include early marriage, political reforms cf inheritance rights, state insurance of parenthood and offspring, employee payment policies, homesteads, double marriage [suggested after World War One by Marcel PRF.VOST and Chr. EHRENFELS (1916), etc.]. 503 Rapid urbanization, creation of great slums, massing of the diseased, the deficient, the demented in the ghettos, and the notion that the influx of large immigrant population lowers the standard of American intelligence had much to do with the rise of eugenics in the 20th century. 504 Writing on "Race development and heredity" in BASTIANE Festschrift (1896). 3. etc. VIR­78

