Antall József szerk.: Pictures from the Past of the Healing Arts / Orvostörténeti Közlemények – Supplementum 5. (Budapest, 1972)

The Medical Historical Library

FOREIGN MEDICAL WORKS IN THE 17TH-19TH CENTURIES Medical literature was rapidly growing in this period, consequently this collection makes up the largest part of the holdings of the library. The collection contains more than 10 000 units. Here we can only mention only a few works and authors without striving for completeness. The following works are especially worthy from the point of view of science history: Roger Bacon "Von der Medicine und Arztney (1604); Basilius Valenti­nųs Triumpwagen Antinoii ... Allen so den grund suchen der uralten Medizin (1604), Cappadox Aretaeus Aetiologica (1603) Marcus Aurelius Severinųs Vipera pythica (1651), Guilelmus Harveus Exercitationes de generatione animalium (1662), Marce lo Malphigi Opera omnia (1687) and Thomas Sydenham Epistolae (1683). Some important works from the 18th century: Émile by Jean Jacques Rous­seau (1772) Leopoldųs Auenbrugger's Inventum novum ex percussione (1761), Edward Jenner's Untersuchungen über d. Ursachen ...d. Kuhpocken (1799), Karl Linne' s Systema natúrea (1767), Hermann Boerhaave , Libellus de materia (1727), Albrecht Haller, Elementa physiologiae (1757-1761), Gerhard van Swie­ten's aphorisms in five volumes (1745-1764) and Anton de Haen's Históriáé morborum " published in 1795. The works of the most significant medical writers of the 19th century are also preserved in our library, including writings by Hahnemann, Bichat, Laennec, Rokitansky, Johann Müller, Moleschott, Darwin, Claude Bernard, Helm­holtz, Virchow, Henle, Wunderlich, Priesnitz, Pasteur, Koch, Beĥring, Lister, Metchnikoff, Gordon, Billroth, Pi ĥa, Kocher, Langenbeçk, Graefe, Liebig, Pur­kinje, Hufeland, Skoda, Bright, Hebra, Kussmaul, Traube, Nothnager, Dubois­Reymond, Meyner, Krafft-Ebing, Forel, Lombroso, Bechterew, Charcot, Bruns, Rosas, Hegar etc. 18TH-19TH CENTURY HUNGARIAN WORKS The works of the Hungarian physicians of the i8th-i9th centuries are almost completely represented in the holdings of the library. Here it should be sufficient to enumarate some outstanding authors and works : 18th century: István Weszprémi, Succinta medicorum Hungáriáé et Transil­vaniae biographia (1774, the first Hungarian medical bio-bibliography), Tenta­men de inoculanda peste (1754), Károly Moller, Consilium médiçum azaz Orvosi oktatás (Consilium médiçum i. e. Training of physicians X1740), István Má­ÿųs, Diaetetica (1762), Ferenc Nyulas, Az Erdély országi orvosi vizeknek bon­tásáról közönségesen (On the analysis of the medical waters of Transylvania in general) (1800).

