Kapronczay Károly szerk.: Orvostörténeti közlemények 214-217. (Budapest, 2011)

TANULMÁNYOK - Gaal György: Erdély iskolateremtő sebésztanára: Brandt József halála centenáriumára

Gaal Gy.: Erdély iskolateremtő sebésztanára: Brandt József 67 Tanársegédek: 1871-73: Gyergyai Árpád 1873-77: Stand Kálmán 1877-79: Fejér Dávid 1879-84: Bénél János 1884-88: Köblös Lajos 1888-90: Bodor Zsigmond 1890-95: Höncz Kálmán 11. 1894-95: Papp Gábor 1895-97: Papp Gábor II. 1895-97: Hevesi Imre 1897- : Hevesi Imre II. 1897-1901: Imreh Domokos II. 1901-1904: Teleki Kálmán 11.1904- : Szegedy József SUMMARY The present article outlines the biography of the great Transylvanian surgeon József Brandt end evaluates his activity. After his medical training in Vienna and specialisation in surgery Brandt returned to Kolozsvár (now: Cluj/Romania) in 1867 to teach surgery and ophthalmology at the Medi­cal-Surgical Institute of this town. As soon as the Royal Hungarian University in Kolozsvár was opened in 1872, Brandt was appointed to professor of the Department for Surgery. He was elected vice-dean of the medical faculty and rector of the university. More than 100 of his students got specialized in surgery tutored by this school-founding professor. Brandt retired in 1904. Brandt was the medical president of the first Kolozsvár Ambulance Service (1891) and the initiator, then director of the Red Cross Hospital in Kolozsvár (1895) where he worked until his death (1912). He is considered to be the first great surgeon in Transylvania, although he had to work under poor conditions, since the first modem sur­gical clinic was opened in the town only in 1899. Brandt was the first to perform successful ovariectomy in Transylvania (1869), and the second in Europe who performed nephrec­tomy (1873). He accepted Lister’s antiseptic theory; in 1890 the university sent him to Ber­lin to study Koch’s vaccine. The Appendix of the present article lists Brandt’s assistants and students.

