Antall József szerk.: Orvostörténeti közlemények 121-124. (Budapest, 1988)

CONTENTS ESSAYS Gy. Huszár: The Life and Work of Georg von Carabelli (in German) 7 B. Gyarmati: József Csorba, the Physician 23 B. Rex-Kiss: In Memóriám Ludwik Hirszfeld, the Great Polish Physician (1884—1954) 39 M. Fleischmann: A Sketch of Work and Industrial Health System in Hungary up to 1945 49 S. A. Kicsi: The Nature of the „Water-Calf" 71 STUDIES — LECTURES Gy. Birtalan: Merits of Adam Chcnot (1721—1789) in Stemming of Plague Epidemics 91 J. Forrai: On the History of the Dental-Stigma, Allegedly of Syphilitic Origin 99 E. Wondrák—J. Balatková: Health Condition of the Population of Hungary in 1848 (in German) 103 Z. Pető: Efforts of Rehabilitation in the History of the Neurological and Mental Clinic of the University of Szeged Ill /. Győrffy: The Life and Work of Professor László Blaskovics 119 T. Gorka: Hungarian Social Insurance System between the two World Wars 123 DOCUMENTATION /. Subosits—V. Göllesz: Hungarian Names of the Deficiencies in Pápai-Páriz' Dictionary 127 P. Dominkovits: The Plague of 1739—40 in Ordas, in Pest-Pilis-Solt County 135 J. Lengyel: Old Pharmacies in Pest County in the 18—19th Centuries 139 L. Kiss: Beginning of the Inoculation against Small-Pox in Hont County in the First Decades of the 19th Century 147 M. Nagy: Prof. Dr. Gyula Kovács (1899—1987) and the Biography of the University of Veterinary Science (1787—1987) 153 REVIEW ON BOOKS 159 CHRONICLE 187

