Antall József szerk.: Orvostörténeti közlemények 83-84. (Budapest, 1978)

SZEMLE KÖNYVEKRŐL - Spielmann, J.: A közjó szolgálatában (Szlatky Mária) (angol nyelven)

of the Transylvanian Renaissance. It reveals the possible circumstances of the origin of the manuscript, informs us about all the discovered data concerning the author and makes us acquainted with the results of several researchers (Béla Varjas, Rezső Alföldi, T. Attila Szabó, Elek Farczády, Zsigmond Jakó, Karola Lázár Szini, Zsolt Trócsányi, József Spielmann, etc.) further with their often contradictory opinions in connection with the famous manuscript and its variants. The subdivisions titled Medical Attitude, and Scope of Knowledge of Ars Medica, deserve particular atten­tion. In these chapters Spielmann announces and evaluates the results obtained by himself and by his researching team, strictly insisting to the medical and medical historical point of view. The exact examining méthodes tending both to the explora­tion of sources and to the measurement as well as evaluation of the scope of knowledge of the Ars Medica, may serve as an example to the researches in the field of medical and historical sciences in general. The study "/n the Stream of Cartezian Ideology" (pp. 84-175) presents an impressive view of the Transylvanian education and medical sciences in the 17 th century. It documents the appearance and effects of the trends of that period, especially of the Cartezian ideas in the Transylvanian scientific literature in Hungarian language, moreover shows the concrete forms of the manifestation of this effect. It enriches our knowledge with several new data too. E.g. a rich analysis is made of Samuel EnyedVs handwritten work "Philosophia Naturalis", which has been neglected in the medical history until our days. This extremely rich Cartezian work — more consistent than that of Apáczai — gives us informations (as first in Transylvania) of Harvey's ex­perimental evidences in the blood-circulation. The analysis of the works of János Apáczai Csere, of Sámuel Enyedi, of Ferenc Pápai-Páriz etc. treated in such a point of view, considerably contribute to understand them and significantly extends the horizon of the medical historical research work. Paying attention to the Transylvanian echo of philosophical and medical enlight­ment, author refers to the close connection between medical sciences and enlightment in the essay "The Doctors of the Linguistic Society" (pp. 217-302).He makes us acquainted with the role of the doctors in that scientific society as well as in the ex­ploration of the treasures of nature in this country-district. Examining the development of the Hungarian medical written records, József Spielmann simultaneously pays attention to the Rumanian and Saxon literature in Transylvania pointing out the similar traits and parallel characteristics. The third study of the volume in order, titled "The Great Man of Rumanian Medical Sciences" (pp. 177-21 7)" gives a portrait of the prominent personality of Rumanian medicine in the 18 th century, named loan Piuariu-Molnár, who was the first head-ophthalmo­logist in Transylvania and became later professor in Kolozsvár (today Cluj-Napoca). The book of Professor Spielmann, regarding its theme, its approaching-method, as well as its attitude, may be rank with right among the basic works of the Hunga­rian medical historical literature. The excellent style together with the objective ana­lysis gives pleasure to readers and the final valuable bibliography enhances the use­fullness of the work. Mária Szlatky

