Földessy Edina, Szűcs Alexandra, Wilhelm Gábor: Tabula 9/1 (Néprajzi Közlemények; Budapest, 2006)

K. HORVÁTH ZSOLT: Az idő újabb cáfolata. Historiográfiai széljegyzetek az idő fogalmának dekomponálásához

ZSOLT K. HORVÁTH A new refutation of time. Historiographical comments on the social scientific decomposition of time One of the most important changes in social science studies concerns rethinking of the concept of time. This article focuses on social history as the unit of analysis and tries to introduce some histo­riographical aspects with regard to linearity, homogeneity and continuity. In this context it becomes also important how long this concept had remained self-evident. Recently we often take for granted the existence of "personal" time and "historical time". What is the heuristic difference between the range of these two types of time? Since when did it become an accepted issue in social sciences? How have social scientists reached the view that far from being unproblematic time is now a polymorphic concept even within the reach of personal life sequences, slowly questioning the unity of subjective identity too?

