Földessy Edina, Szűcs Alexandra, Wilhelm Gábor: Tabula 3/2 (Néprajzi Közlemények; Budapest, 2000)

BALOGH SÁRA: Rádió utca 11., Székesfehérvár

ZENTAI VIOLETTA I 997 Politikai antropológia: a politika antropológiája. In Politikai antropológia. Zentai Violetta, szerk. 9-37. Budapest: Osiris - Láthatatlan Kollégium. SÁRA BALOGH 11 Rádió Street, Székesfehérvár This study which results from several months of empirical research attempts to analyze a complex conflict situation which took place between 1995 and 1997 in the Western Hungarian town of Székesfehérvár. As it became a lightning rod for the expression of political and ethnic feelings (relat­ing to the Roma) the conflict went beyond a mere official or social problem. In fact it was this change in the nature and direction of the conflict which led the author to investigate those central themes which had symbolic meaning for both the participants of the event and the political and social sci­entific discourses it gave rise to.

