Földessy Edina, Szűcs Alexandra, Wilhelm Gábor: Tabula 2/2 (Néprajzi Közlemények; Budapest, 1999)

Tabló - Turizmus: konferencia (Hamp Gábor)

ROBERT KEMÉNYFI 3 KATALIN SZÖVÉNYI 27 LÁSZLÓ MÓD 52 TÍMEA TÖRŐ 65 ISTVÁN BÉRES 87 ERIK RUTHERFORD 103 LÁSZLÓ LAJTAI - OLGA EISLER 121 JÓZSEF HAVASRÉTI 129 Reviews The ethnic space and the idea of national state A master tailor's family and household in Kőszeg Intiation. The symbols of liminality by a waterpolo team in Szeged "Give her the means, if she asks for them!" Today's home-birth customs in Hungary Forgotten pictures from a fieldwork project Tony Gatlif's film Qadjo Dilo furthers the Roma cause Physicians and shamans in Nepal On the border of words and writings. Papers on popular literature 145 Literacy in modernity. Daniel Fabre: Par écrit. Ethnologie des écritures quoditiennes (Attila Terbócs) 149 The difficulties of text-book writing. Zsófia Ágh: Paraszti és polgári hagyományok a Kárpát-medencében (Peasant and urban traditions in the Carpathian basin) (Ildikó Juhász) 158 "Hey, that's me too!" Zoltán Biró A.: Hétköznapi humorvilág (The world of everydays' humor) (Vera Schleicher) 164 Richard Philippe - Lozza Brigitte: Ethnophoto (Péter Qranasztói) 167 The "country of dragons" in Europe. Bhutan ­Buddhistisches Königreich im Himalaya/ Bhutan - Mountain Fortress of Gods exhibition (Béla Kelényi) 173 Fascinated by pictures at the new Museum Europäischer Kulturen in Berlin (Katalin Járosi) 180 Turism: conference (Qábor Hamp)

