Földessy Edina, Szűcs Alexandra, Wilhelm Gábor: Tabula 1. (Néprajzi Közlemények; Budapest, 1998)

Tabló - Webology. Kultúrakutatók a világhálón (Pusztai Bertalan)

Tabula HAJNALKA FÜLÖP 3 PÉTER GRANASZTÓI 25 ILDIKÓ SZ. KRISTÓF 60 JÁNOS BALI 85 GYÖNGyl HELTAI 106 ESTHER PASZTORY 130 149 The embroidering village Everyday utensils and a market town's way of life (Kiskunhalas 1760-1850) Jacob's rosetree or frustrated anthropologists? „Hungarofradism" Symbolic construction of a soccer team Tendencies in contemporary visual anthropology Shamanism and North American Indian art Reflection or mediator? (János Qyarmati's interview with Esther Pasztory) 161 LÁSZLÓ ENDRE HAJNAL 167 Man and river: ethnology in postindustrial society (Diana Szántó' s interview with André Vincent) Gypsies in a big city (Photo essay) Reviews 1 79 Michael Taussig: Mimesis and Alterity: A particular history of the senses (Imola Holló) 188 Alain Reyniers: Tsigane, heureux si tu es libre! (Alexandra Szűcs) 192 Webology. Internet and anthropologists (Bertalan Pusztai)

