Szabó Miklós, Petres F. Éva: Decorated weapons on the La Tene Iron Age in the Carpathian Basin. (Inventaria Praehistorica Hungariae 5; Budapest, 1992)


315 A. BULARD in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 153. See also Chapter I, p. 24-25. 316 Ibid. 317 Cp. SCHWAPPACH (1971) 148; KKM, 18. 318 SZABÓ (1977) 217, Fig. 7. a-b; M. SZABÓ in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 181 Fig. 22. 319 For the find assemblage, see VÉGH, (1969) 70: "second find group", Pis. XV. 1-2, XVI. 1-2, 6 and XVII. 1, 4-5. 320 For the drawing interpretation of the scabbard, see DUVAL (1982a) 3 ff, esp. 12-13, and Fig. 6. 1-6. 321 M. SZABÓ in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 180-181. 322 DUVAL (1974) 109-110, Figs 6-8. 323 We have been informed of yet unpublished ornaments discovered in the course of the conservation of the finds from Gournay-sur-Aronde courtesy of A. RAPIN. 324 ZACHAR (1987) 21, Fig. 13. For the find assemblage see VIZDAL (1976) 179, Fig. 43, and 168 ff. 325 M. SZABÓ, in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 181, 189, and Fig. 21. For the scabbard, see M. GÜSTIN, ibid., 193. 326 Cp. M. SZABÓ in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 180; FREY-MEGAW (1972) 55 ff, PI. 3. 1. 327 M. SZABÓ, in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 181, 190, and Fig. 23. 328 E.g. Bölcske-Madocsahegy (Cat. no. 5); Szob (Cat. no. 63); Halmajugra (Cat. no. 16); Mokronog (Cat. no. 128). 329 FILIP (1956) 133, Fig. 41. 330 KRÄMER-SCHUBERT (1979) 384-385, Figs 10b and 11 and 387. For the engraved ornament of the razor, see M. SZABÓ in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 189, Figs 20 and 22 and 182. 331 ZACHAR (1987) 20 Fig. 11. For the assemblage, see VIZDAL (1976) 152-153. 332 Cp. note 315, and the analysis of the openwork-mount decorated scabbard from Pottenbrunn­Ratzerdorf (Cat. no. 79) Chapter I, p. 24-25. 333 We wish to thank GYÖNGYI KOVÁCS (Archaeological Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) for premission to publish this scabbard. 334 GU&TIN (1982) 191 ff. 335 We wish to thank LÁSZLÓ HORVÁTH (Thury György M useum, Nagykanizsa) for permission to publish the Magyarszerdahely sword. The grave will be published in vol. 2. of Zalai Museum. 336 Cp. A. M. GIBSON-J. V. S. MEGAW, AKorr 12 (1982) 491 ff, Fig. 5 and PI. 53. 337 GÜSTIN (1982) 201, Pl. 5. 1. 338 M. GUSTIN, in GUSTIN-PAULI (1984) 115, Fig. 1. 1. For the find association: ibid. 116-118. 339 The finds from the excavated graves of the Szabadi-Szabadihegyi are housed in the Rippl Rónai Museum of Kaposvár; the cemetery will be published by LÁSZLÓ HORVÁTH. For the Magyarszerdahely sword, see note 335. 340 Cp. M. GUSTIN in GUSTIN (1977) 87, PI. 4. For its chronology, see O.-H. FREY, in DUVAL­KRUTA (1982) 238. 341 M. GUSTIN in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 200, Fig. 4. 342 Dobova, grave 2: M. GUSTIN in GÜSTIN (1977) 88. Fig. 5.7; Dobova, grave 6; M. GÜSTIN, in Popoli e facies culturali celtiche a nord e sud delle Alpi del V al I secoli. Milan (1983b) 100 ff, Pis XC and XCI ( the two spearheads from Dobova and the decorated specimen from Dalj). For this group of weapons, see also FILIP (1956) 135, Fig. 42 (Dalj); FILIP (1956) 121, Fig. 38 (Iwanowice); FILIP (1956) 133, Fig. 41. 5-6 (Neunkirchen). See also the spearhead from Szob (Cat. no. 69), and p. 27. 343 Cp. MAJNARIÓ-PANDZlÓ, (1970) PL XLVIII. the Vucedol burial and the decorated scabbard ( 141); TODOROVIÓ 18 (1968) 196, Fig. 1. 3-4: the scabbard from Rospi Óuprija, grave 39 ( 136). 344 See Chapter II, p. 32, and this chapter, p. 47. 345 Quoted in note 342. 346 See chapter II, p. 35. 347 Cp. É. F. PETRES, in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 165-166. 348 GÜSTIN 11 (1981) 223 ff and Fig. 3. 349 Keltoi 1984, 39, Fig. 8, cp. PL 65. 350 PETRES (1982) 173, Fig. 20. For the assemblage, see BoSic" (1981) 327, pi. 7, 1-6. 351 TODOROVIÓ (1972) Pis XI-XII; TODOROVIÓ, Starinar 24-25 (1973) 80 ff, Figs 1-8. 362 See note 340, and also GUŐTIN (1982) 194-195. 353 For the type, see ZACHAR (1974a) 63 ff. 354 M. SZABÓ in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 190 ff, Fig. 24 and 181.

