Szabó Miklós, Petres F. Éva: Decorated weapons on the La Tene Iron Age in the Carpathian Basin. (Inventaria Praehistorica Hungariae 5; Budapest, 1992)


NOTES 1 Cp. DÉCHELETTE (1927) 624: "Quelques fourreaux de La Tène I, sont ornés, toutesfois, c'est à la phase suivante que la mode de ces gravures se généralise" . 2 Opinions comitted to paper, however, tend to be more cautious, e.g. KRAMER (1985) 25: "... sicher war die Mehrzahl der Scheiden auch verziert" . For results of new conservation and restoration techniques, see BRUNAUX-MENIEL-RAPIN (1980) 12 ff; JACOBI (1982) 565; and also VEPREK-ECKMAN-MÜLLER (1987). 3 For a Celtic perspective, see MEGAW (1970) 10 ff; DUVAL (1977a) 25 ff. Hungarian studies on this subject include I. BONA: A magyarországi művészet a honfoglalásig (Art in Hungary before the Hungarian Conquest period). Budapest (1959); cp. J.GY. SZILÁGYI, AT 7 (1960) 93 ff. 4 Cp. DE NAVARRO's concept on the ornamental features of scabbards: DE NAVARRO (1972) 298-299. 5 For the sword and other grave finds from Szob, see Cat. no. 60. 6 PULSZKY (1879) 7, 21; PULSZKY (1897) Vol. I, 210 ff. For the aesthetic tastes of the period, see DUVAL (1977b) 3 ff. 7 PULSZKY (1897) Vol. I, 219, 221. 8 Cp. MÁRTON (1933) 7 ff. 9 J. Gy. SZILÁGYI, AT 7 (1960) 93 ff. 10 Cp. MÁRTON (1933) 44-45; HUNYADY (1942-44) 111 and 113-114. 11 These two repertories are invaluable: MÁRTON (1933-34); HUNYADY (1957). A case in point is the well-known Hatvan-Boldog sword: PETRES-SZATJÓ (1986). 12 One good example is the Jutas 1 scabbard, of which a photograph has luckily survived (Cat. no. 21). 13 The two spearheads and the sword from Csabrendek (Cat. no. 7-8) and the Rábatamási sword (Cat. no. 53) have all perished. 14 ECA, 95-97 (the Hungarian Sword Style) and 165 ff (as well as the Catalogue, passim). 16 See note 3. 16 FILIP (1956) 532, Stil der "schönen Schwerter" (sic!). 17 For preliminary work, see K. SCHEFOLD, PZ 34-35 (1949-1950) 11-17. 18 See DUVAL (1966). 19 DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 1 ff and 243 ff (the Bibliography compiled by V. KRUTA includes all major studies on Celtic art between 1944 and 1979). 20 DUVAL (1966) 812 ff. 21 Cp. DUVAL (1964) 13; DE NAVARRO (1972) 83, 239 ff and 251 ff; FREY (1974) 150; FILIP (1976) 149, etc. 22 MEGAW (1970) 22 ff; cp. SCHWAPPACH, Germania 53 (1975) 226 ff. 23 The debate over the interpretation of the Waldalgesheim Style was a case in point. Cp. the Bibliography quoted in note 19, as well as O.-H. FREY, in DUVAL-HAWKES (1976) 146 ff and 160 ff; cp. V. KRUTA in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) 35 ff. 24 SZABÓ (1977) 211-212. 25 DE NAVARRO (1959); DE NAVARRO (1972) 65 ff. 26 STEAD (1984); MEGAW-MEGAW (1989a); SZABÓ (1989b). 27 ECA, 97; DE NAVARRO (1972) 239 ff. 28 Cp. SZABÓ (1974b). 29 RAFTERY (1984) 79 ff. 30 DUVAL (1975) 245-247. See also DUVAL (1974); DUVAL (1977a) passim. 31 KKM. 32 P.-M. DUVAL, in DUVAL-KRUTA (1982) Figs 4 and 6. 33 See the bibliography to individual pieces in the Catalogue, and V. Kruta's bibliography in DUVAL­KRUTA (1982).

