Bakos Katalin - Manicka Anna szerk.: Párbeszéd fekete-fehérben, Lengyel és magyar grafika 1918–1939 (MNG, Warszawa–Budapest, 2009)


11/94. BOGNA KRASNODĘBSKA-GARDOWSKA (1900-1986) Station XI: Jesus is nailed to the cross, from the series "Stations of the Cross", 1926-1928 Cream-coloured paper, hand-coloured woodcut; 36.2 x 28 cm Inv. No. Gr.W.2236/11 MNW II/95. STANISŁAW OSTOJA-CHROSTOWSKI (1897-1947) Escape to Egypt, 1927 Paper, copperplate; 11.3 x 7 cm Inv. No. Gr.W6315 MNW II/96. LAJOS VARGA NÁNDOR (1895-1978) Casting lots for Christ's coat, 1928 Paper, etching; 26.6 x 29.2 cm Inv. No. 1933-2296 II/97. STANISŁAW OSTOJA-CHROSTOWSKI (1897-1947) Escape with palm trees, 1929 Paper, woodcut; 24.8 x 1 7.5 cm Inv. No. Gr.W6216 MNW N/98. WIKTORIA GORYŃSKA (1902-1945) St. Joan of Arc, 1929 Ribbed paper, woodcut; 30 x 30 cm Inv. No. Gr.W.2938 MNW II/99. DEZSŐ FÁY (1888-1954) St. Emeric, 1930 Paper, wood engraving; 1 9.7 x 1 3.9 cm Inv. No. G. 73.342 11/100. PÁL MOLNÁR-C. (1894-1981) St. Stephan, 1938 Paper, wood engraving; diametr 1 7 cm Inv. No. 1941-2867 11/101. JÓZSEF GYŐRFY K. (1899-1986) St. Margaret of the Arpad House, 1944 Paper, woodcut; 25.9 x 20.9 cm Inv. No. 1946-2952 11/102. PÁL MOLNÁR-C. (1894-1981) St. Franciscus, 1932 Paper, wood engraving; 25.1 x 15.6 cm Inv. No. 1946-2978 N/103. PÁL MOLNÁR-C. (1894-1981) St. George, the 1930s Paper, wood engraving; 29.9 x 20 cm Inv. No. G. 68.251

