Nagy Ildikó szerk.: A Magyar Nemzeti Galéria Évkönyve 1989-1991 (MNG Budapest, 1993)

EXHIBITIONS - Symmetry and Asymmetry (Mariann Gergely)

Interiors at the Symmetry — Asymmetry Exhibition 67. From left to right: Paintings by Ákos Birkás, János Szirtes, Dóra Maurer, Tamás Hencze, Imre Bak 68. From left to right: Gábor Bachman-László Rajk: June 16, 1989. (Two models for the decoration at Hősök tere, Budapest, set up on the occasion of the ceremony organized in connection with the funeral of the martyrs of the 1956 revolution.) Gábor Császári-Ursula Bühler: Copying a work by Robert Smithson or Another Experience with the Presence of Artworks, 1989

