Nagy Ildikó szerk.: A Magyar Nemzeti Galéria Évkönyve 1980-1988 (MNG Budapest, 1989)

Accession list of the collections in the Hungarian National Gallery. 1974—1988

ACCESSION LIST OF THE COLLECTIONS IN THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL GALLERY 1974-1988 Collection 1974 11 pieces on 11 Inv. No. 1975 11 pieces on 1 1 Inv. No. 1976 8 pieces on 8 Inv. No. 1977 31 pieces on 23 Inv. No. 1978 15 pieces on 15 Inv. No. 1979 23 pieces on 23 Inv. No. 1980 8 pieces on 8 Inv. No. 1981 14 pieces on 14 Inv. No. of old Hungarian art 1982 6 pieces on 6 Inv. No. 1983 12 pieces on 12 Inv. No. 1984 11 pieces on 11 Inv. No. 1985 3 pieces on 3 Inv. No. 1986 18 pieces on 18 Inv. No. 1987 14 pieces on 14 Inv. No. 1988 5 pieces on 5 Inv. No. Collection of the 19th and 20th centuries COLLECTION OF PAINTING 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 177 pieces Out of them 42 pieces of significance purchased from Gyula Czimra's estate and 17 works of Bertalan Székely, the painter's grand-daughter Ilona Székely's gift. 136 pieces 30 works of Bertalan Pór. They got into our collection out of the assets of estate from Frantisek Pór (Kassa, Kosice). Worth of stressing are Sándor Bortnyik's painting: Prophet (Próféta) as well as 8 works of József Rippl-Rónai, purchased from Lajos Hatvány. 80 pieces Out of them 11 paintings from Emil Vén, gift of the painter. 69 pieces From these works 15 pieces are presents from Frigyes Frank'' % estate. 194 pieces The most important pieces of this significant enrichment are from Mrs. Dezső Liszauer, 7 pieces, works of József Rippl-Rónai, Dezső Czigány, Bertalan Pór, then 26 works out of the estate of Ernő Schubert; 6 pieces, presents of Ilona Kabos (Robert Berény, Dezső Czigány); 11 pieces presents from Kálmán Németh (János Vaszary, János Thorma, Ernő Jeges, Fülöp László); 23 pieces from the estate of Sándor Bortnyik. 45 pieces 69 pieces They include Lajos Vajdcis painting the Silver gnome (Ezüst gnóm). 40 pieces We purchased 16 pieces again from the estate of Ernő Schubert. At this time our collection was enriched by Pál C. Molnár 's work Madonna and by Jenő Barcsay's painting Workers (Munkások). 1982 75 pieces 34 pieces were added from the estate of Mrs. Sándor Réthy, among them works of Béla Kádár, János Tornyai, Jenő Paizs-Goebel, György Román, László Mednyánszky, Hugó Scheiber, Károly Ferenczy, Simon Hollósy, István Szőnyi; Hugó Scheiber % painting Fun­fair (Vurstli) was purchased the same year. 1983 52 pieces Acquired by free gift from the estate of Kálmán Tichy's widow; 23 works, Gyula Tichy 's and Kálmán Tichy's paintings. 1984 64 pieces 33 paintings of János Tornyai from the estate of his widow. 1985 47 pieces In this year we purchased János Vaszary's painting In the studio (Műteremben) and 16 works were aquired by free gift from Pál Bor s estate. 1986 67 pieces Significant pieces of this enrichment are: Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka: Seaside town (Tengerparti város); Vilmos Huszár: Old woman with a pram (Öregasszony gyerekkocsival), Ferenc Martyn: Composition (Kompozíció), and Almos Jaschik's 9 paintings from Sándor Jaschik's estate. 1987 45 pieces Most significant are József Rippl-Rónai 's 6 paintings, acquired from dr. Péter Véghelyi's estate. 1988 27 pieces The most outstanding among them is Bertalan Par's painting Sermon on the Mount (Hegyibeszéd), purchased

