Technikatörténeti szemle 14. (1983-84)

TANULMÁNYOK - Dóka Klára: A műszeripar történetéből. A pesti szerkovácsok

38. BFL Pesti lt. Int. a. m. 8004. 39. BFL Pesti lt. Test. a. n. 1028. 40. BFL Pesti lt. Int. a. n. 1943. 41. BFL Pesti lt. Test. a. n. 4469. Gyámi ir. 1043. 42. BFL Pesti lt. Városkapitányság, vándorkönyvkérelmek, Rothberger Ignác munka­IgHZOláSH 43. BFL Pesti lt. Int. a. n. 1943. 44. OL Kancellária, Liber Coehalium 1815—1848. 753. BFL Pesti lt. Int. a. m. 8004. 45. Meisterstücks Aufgaben, Pest, 1851. 7. 46. Blaskovits, Alexander: Pesther und Oíner Wegweiser. Pest, 1840. 150. 47. BFL Pesti lt. Rel. a. n. 13 700. 48. BFL Pesti lt. Rel. a. n. 13 092. 49. BFL Pesti lt. Rel. a. n. 6567. OL Helytartótanács, Departamentum Civitatense 1843-36-251. 50. BFL Pesti lt. Rel. a. n. 14 345. OL K. K. Districks Regierung 1851-12-62. 51. BFL Pesti lt. Tanácsi ir. 12 406/1850. 52. BFL Pesti lt. Int. a. n. 7519. 54. BFL Pesti lt. Test. a. n. 4469. Dóka Klára: A munkásszervezkedés kezdeti korszaka Magyarországon. Szakszer­vezetek Elméleti Kutató Intézete. Bp. 1972. 21—22. 55. BFL Pesti lt. Tanácsi ir. 1012/1854. 56. BFL Pesti lt. Tanácsi ir. II. 521/1858. 57. Pesther Lloyd Kalender. Handels und Gewerbe Adressbuch für das Jahr. 1859.116. 58. Meisterstücks Aufgaben, i. m. 4. „Messerschmiede, und Chirurgischen Instrumen­tenmacher". 59. u. o. 7. 60. OL General Gouvernement, Allgemeiner Wohnungsanzeiger. Pest-Ofen-Altofen, 1855. 61. BFL Pesti lt. Tanácsi ir. II. 829/1871. 62. Adressen Kalender von Pest, Ofen und Altofen für das Jahre 1871 und 1872. 323. 63. BFL Pesti lt. Tanácsi ir. II. 973/1858. Iparosok Lapja, 1860. 3. sz. 64. Magyar Hirlap, 1851. febr. 7. 1692. 65. BFL Pesti lt. Tanácsi ir. II. 335/1865. 66. Iparosok lapja, 1859. 5. sz. 67. u. o. 11. sz. 68. u. o. 69. BFL Pesti lt. Visszaállított városi törvényszék ir. II. 153/1861—1865., Gyámi ir. 3127. D. DOKA: ON THE HISTORY OF PRECISION INDUSTRY. TOOLSMITHS OF PEST The paper is dealing with a special branch of iron processing industry, the trade of toolsmiths. This trade appeared in the town only when the craftsmen needed more complicated tools, however, their serial production was still impossible. Quite a significant toolsmith industry could be found in Pest, Buda and Pozsony. In the middle of the 18th century such craftsmen systematically came mainly from Bavaria and settled down at Pest, later, in the first half of 19th century craftsmen came also from various towns of Hungary, too. In the 18th century the toolsmiths prepared, first of all, hand-tools and slowly new products (balances, seals, compasses) also appeared in their set. Fearing of the competition of the ever differentiating locksmith industry, in 1929 the craftsmen of Pest organized a guild including only a part of the specialists. The tool-makers and machine operators did not belong to these organizations. They earned their living by the reparation of levelling and measuring instruments and the mapping of rivers provided also some income for them. In Pest two significant toolsmith dynasties existed: the Herle and Wagner family. The latter one was specialized for the preparation of agricultural machines, but they could not develop their workshop into a factory. The development of the free competition capitalism paralyzed the activity of toolsmiths similarly to the other iron processing trades. Following 1848 the toolsmiths dealt again with tool-making or prepared some special products (e. g. kitchen uten­sils) providing their living only for a short time.

