Technikatörténeti szemle 11. (1979)

TANULMÁNYOK - Dóka Klára: A Rába szabályozása, 1762-1895

missioner, he however could not achieve any success. His successor became Kálmán Radó, the Lord Lieutenant of the County Vas. Finally the regulation activity was bolstered by the great floods in 1883. It beca­me apparent that the work can only be ordered to be carried out by legislation. After such preliminary activities the Rába-law 1885:XV was issued. The final part of the regulation work falls into the period between 1886 and 1895. In this decade the Rába was regulated between Sárvár and Győr, the river Rábca between Bősárkány, and Győr, and the delta of river Marcal came under control. The circular bank at Győr, and the section of the Hanság-channel between Rábcakapi and Pomogy were finished too. The Society for Controlling Rába regained its independence and its main task was established as the maintainance of the finished protective works and the further development of the water system. The regulation of river Rába can be regarded as the most successful among the Hungarian water management works, it withstood the trial of various floods up till the one in 1965 that brought new maxima. 101

