Czakó Elemér (szerk.): Az Országos Magyar Iparművészeti Muzeum és Iskola könyvtárának czimjegyzéke (Budapest, 1900)

Q) Katalógusok

Kiállítások. tents of the British Museum. 4. ed. London, Longmans & Co., 1881. (Q. 22.) 1883. BULLEN, G. Luther exhibition, in the Grenville library. Printed books, manuscripts, portraits, and medals illustrating the life of Martin Luther with biographical sketch. London, Clowes and Sons, 1883. (Q. 239.) 1885. GUIDE to the manuscripts and printed books illustrating the progress of musical notation, exhibited in the departement of manuscripts and the King’s library. (British Museum.) London, Clowes and Sons, 1885. (Q. 73.) 1885. GUIDE to drawings, prints and illustrative works exhibited in the Second Northern Gallery. (British Museum.) London, Clowes and Sons, 1885. (Q. 90.) 1886. CUNDALL, Frank. Reminiscences of the Colonial and Indian ex­hibition, illustred by Thomas Riley. London, William Clowes & Sons, 1886. (Q. 4r. 44.) 1891. CATALOGUE (Illustrated) of Bookbindings. Burlington Fine Arts Club. Exhibition of Bookbindings. London, Burlington Fine Arts Club, 1891. (M. 2r. 4.) 1896. FISCHER, John. An illustrated record of the retrospective exhibition held at South Kensington, 1896. 256 illustrations. London, Chapman and Hall, 1897. (Q. 4r. 56A Lüttich. (Lieg e.) r88r. LINAS, Charles de. L’art et l’industrie d’autrefois dans Ie regions de la Meuse Beige. Souvenirs de l’exposition retrospective de Liége en 1881. Paris, Klincksieck, 1882. (P. 74.) EXPOSITION de Tart ancien au pays de Liége. Liége, Ch. Claesen, é. n. (Q. 2r. 4.) AUSSTELLUNG (Kunsthistorische) in Lüttich. Berlin, Ch. Claesen, é. n. (N. 2r. 19.) Mainz. 1873. CATALOG von 200 plastischen Nachbildungen alterthümlicher Gegen­stände aus den Sammlungen des römisch-germanischen Central-Museums in Mainz. Weltausstellung in Wien 1873. Mainz, Victor v. Zabern, 1873. (Q. 244.) Milano. 1872. CATALOGO delle opere d’arte antica esposte nel palazzo di Brera. 26 Agosto—7 Ottobre 1872. Milano, Societä cooperativa fra tipografi, 1872. (Q- 75-) Moszkva. (Moscou.) 1882. SOBKO, N. Catalogue illustré de la section des Beaux-Arts ä 1’expo­sition nationale de Moscou, en 1882. St. Pétersbourg, 1882. (Q. 284.) 166

