Czakó Elemér (szerk.): Az Országos Magyar Iparművészeti Muzeum és Iskola könyvtárának czimjegyzéke (Budapest, 1900)

Q) Katalógusok

152 Intésetek katalógusai. KATALOG over museets bibliothek og dets Sämling af Monsterblade (Kunst- industrimuseet i Kristiania). Udarbeidet af H. Grosch. Kristiania, Thronsen & Co. 1891. (Q. 305.) I<emberg. (i/wowie.) CZOLOWSKI, Dr. Aleks\nder. Najstarsza Ksiega Miejska 1382—1389. Pomniki dziejowe Lwowa z archiwum miasta. Tom I. Lwowie, W. A Szyjkowskiego, 1892. (Q. 4r. 9.) lyondon. OLDFIELD, Edmund. Catalogue of select examples of ivory-carvings from the II. to the XVI. century, preserved in various public and private collec­tions in England and other countries, casts of which . . . are sold by the Arundel Society . . . London, Arundel Society, 1855. (Q. 4r. 52.) CATALOGUE of a selection from the Stowe manuscripts. Exhibited in the king’s library in the British Museum. London, W. Cloves, 1883. (Q. 4r. 49.) — of reproductions from ancient marbles, bronzes, etc. in the British Museum. London, Flint & son, 1867. (Q. 91.) GRUEBER, Herbert A. A guide to the english medals. Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum. 4 ed. London, Longmans & Co. 1881. (Q. 23.) GUIDE to the exhibition galleries of the British Museum, Bloomsbury. London, Woodfall and Kinder, 1884. Q. 95.) — (A) to the exhibition galleries of the British Museum. (Bloomsbury). With maps and plans. London, Woodfall and Kinder, 1896. (Q. 302.) HAND-LIST of bibliographies, classified catalogues, and indexes placed in the reading Room of the British Museum for reference. London, Clowes and Sons, 1881. (Q. 99.) HEAD, Barclay V. A guide to the principal gold and silver coins of the ancients. With 70 plates. Synopsis of the Contents of the British Museum. 2. ed. London, Longmans & Co., 1881. (Q. 21.) LIST (A) of the books of reference in the reading room of the British Mu­seum. Second edition, revised. London, 1871. (Q. 123.) SYNOPSIS of the Contents of the British Museum. Department of Greek and Roman, Antiquities, First vase Room. 1883—1878. Second vase Room of Greek and Roman Antiquities : the sculptures of the Parthenon. Elgin Room. Part I. 1882. Graeco-Roman sculptures. London, Clowes and Sons, 1878, 1879, 1882, 1883. (Q. 68.) — of the Contents of the British Museum Department of oriental antiquities first an second Egyptian Rooms. Part II : Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities : the sculptures of the Elgin Room. London, Clowes and Sons, 1879. (Q. 67.) THOMPSON, E. M. Wycliffe exhibition in the king’s library. British Mu­seum. London, Clowes and Sons, 1884. (Q. 148.)

