Tanulmányok Budapest Múltjából 34. (2009)


ROSTÁS 2001= ROSTÁS Péter: „Egy helyiség helye. A Budavári Palota Hunyadi Mátyás-termének története", TBM, XXIX, (2001). SINKÓ 1994=SINKÓ Katalin: „Árpád versus Saint István. Competing Heroes and Competing Interest sin the Figurative Representation of Hungarian History", in: Tamás HOFER (ed.): Hungarians between "East" and "West" Budapest, 1994. Sinkó 2001=SlNKÓ, Katalin: „Franz Joseph: Rivalität und Dualität dynastischer und nationaler Repräsentation", In: Kaiser und König. Eine historische Reise: Österreich und Ungarn 1526—1918, Collegium Hungaricum Wien, 2001. SINKÓ 2002=SINKÓ Katalin: „Tudománytörténeti megjegyzések a nemzeti »forma-nyelv« kérdéséhez 1873—1906", in. A. GERGELY András: A nemzet antropológiája (Hofer Tamás köszöntése), Budapest, 2002 SINKÓ 2006=SINKÓ, Katalin: „Historismus und die ungarische Ornamentik", in: MAROSI, Emő—KLANICZAY, Gábor (Hrsg): The Nineteenth-Century Process of "Musealisation" in Hungary and Europe, (Collegium Budapest, Workshop Series No. 17.), Budapest, 2006. Történelem-Kép. Szemelvények múlt és művészet kapcsolatából Magyarországon, Budapest, 2000, (szerk. MIKÓ Árpád—SINKÓ Katalin). YBL 1953=YBL Ervin: Hauszmann Alajos élete és művészete, 1953, (gépirat a Szépművészeti Múzeum és az MTA Művészettörténeti Intézete könyvtárában). PÉTER ROSTÁS: "HISTORICAL " CEREMONIAL HALLS DEVELOPED AROUND 1900 IN THE PALACE OF THE BUDA CASTLE SUMMARY The essential problem in the development of the decoration program of the royal palace in the Buda Castle at the end of the 19th century was that of the manifestation of the double function of national palace and monarchic residence. Politically neutral elements were also present in the decoration of the building-complex, and they represented the practical functions or general ruling symbols of the given building element or hall. However, taking into consideration that the figure of Franz Joseph, respectively his ruling from 1848 was characterized by constant ambivalent feelings generated by the conflict between national resistance and loyalty toward the legitimate ruler, the interior decoration of the palace intended to coordinate also these points of view. The decoration program and placement of the three historical ceremonial-interiors of the Habsburg-Hall, the Saint Stephen-Hall and the Hunyadi-Hall, established around the tum of the 19th and 20th centuries, reflected this same concept. The Habsburg-Hall was situated in the eastern front of the old palace's northern court, on the central axis of the Danube façade in the new arrangement; the Hunyadi-Hall was placed in the western, Krisztinaváros wing, and the Saint Stephen-Hall on the southern side, in the connecting piece of the new Krisztinaváros part and the old Charles III. part of the building. Franz Joseph, respectively the Habsburg dynasty fell into a kind of legitimacy crisis in the 1890's when the Party of Independence, representing the Hungarian national resistance, gained more and more power. The ruling Liberal Party was caught in the crossfire between Habsburg hegemony and national independence, since it had to provide a balance between the two points of view by stabilizing the edifice of the Compromise, built on quite unstable grounds. This duality is expressed in the decoration program of the historical ceremonial halls in the palace. The Habsburg-Hall, with its hint at the Fisher von Erlach style that at this point of time was considered increasingly the Austrian national style, represented one of the focal points of the palace. The Hunyadi-Hall, which is the middle hall of the Krisztinaváros wing considered to be the national side, carried the idea of national separatism, and that of the Hungarian supremacy above the ethnic groups. Between the two of them was situated the room created in honor of Saint Stephen, associated with the idea of consolidation and legitimate order. The essay analyzes through the stylistic study of the historical ceremonial interiors the challenges met by

