Tanulmányok Budapest Múltjából 30. (2002) – Az ötven éves Nagy-Budapest – előzmények és megvalósulás

Suba János: A Mátyásföldi Nyaralótulajdonosok Egyesülete 253-272

Tanulmányok Budapest Múltjából XXX. János Suba The Association of Cottage Owners in Mátyásföld It is becoming a leading tendency of historical research to study civil organizations, and history in the manners of life. This tendency is presented through the example of a model for local government, the development of the Association of Cottage Owners in Mátyásföld. Mátyásföld was established for the members of high society in 1887. Due to this fact it became the largest and best organized resort of the country. Therefore it was declared a recreational area in 1929 and in 1933 it was given municipality. It was the Association of Cottage Owners that organized and managed the life of the settlement. The rules of the association secured the garden-suburb character of the settlement :the villa-like buildings, and preliminary checking up of the plans by the association. It was prohibited to breed animals, to establish industry, pubs, shops or slaughterhouses. Plots could be bought from the association only, and buying a piece of land automatically meant membership of the association. The association was founded for 30 years beginning with 10 th November 1888. The members of the association were the current owners of the plots, the membership-fee was paid in proportion with the size of the plot.The rules of the association said that the association continues to exist until the settlement is given municipality. Though this aim had been achieved by 1933-34 it continued to exist until it was dissolved in 1948. It has been shown how a civil organization was able to organize, manage and develop the life of the settlement established by it, and how they could meet the needs arising in the course of events stemming from the sleeping-town character of the settlement and from the ongoing process of becoming a multifunctional living space finally winning municipality in the hierarchy of settlements. 272

