Budapest Régiségei 32. (1998)

TANULMÁNYOK - Zádor Judit: Pincekutatás az Országház utcában : adalékok Buda középkori topográfiájához a pincekutatás tükrében 341-352

IRODALOMJEGYZÉK BERTALANNÉ=A budai vár házainak 1957. évi műemléki kutatá­sai. BERTALAN Vilmosné: Országház utca 16. BudRég 19. 1959. p. 306. B. HORVÁTH=HORVÁTH Alice: Budapest I., Országház u. 16. Tudományos dokumentáció, Budapest, 1983. p.1-37. CZAGÁNY=CZAGÁNY István: Budavári gótikus lakóház­építészet I— II- Kandidátusi értekezés, 1983.p. 1-532. GEREVICH=GEREVICH László: Gótikus házak Budán. BudRég 15. 1950. p. 121-238. In addition to archaeological and archival research, the study of cel­lars below the medieval houses representing the earliest construc­tion period of the Buda Castle District is indispensable in the recon­struction of the medieval system of land plots. Cellars, that have not yet been extensively studied, tend to preserve the original ground plan of the city in spite of repeated rebuilding. The main purpose of the current research has been to ascertain the way in which the pre­sent situation reflects medieval street systems, plot divisions and phases of construction activity. During the course of our work, comparisons were made between the present land plot system and the so-called Hauy­Rabatta land division that reflects medieval conditions as well as the ground plans of the studied buildings and the plans of medieval cel­lars found below them. On the basis of our research it may be said that the size of lot 20 in Országház Street corresponds to the dimensions established in the Hauy-Rabatta division and that the ground plan of that building follows the original medieval construction pattern. The present size of lot 16 in Országház Street also corresponds to the 17th century land division system, although the analysis of LÓCSY=LÓCSY Erzsébet: Középkori telekviszonyok a budai Várnegyedben. BudRég 21.1964. p. 191-206. NAGY E=A budai vár házainak 1957. évi műemléki kutatásai. NAGY Emese: Országház utca 20. BudRég 19.1959. p. 307-308. SEITL=SEITL Kornél: A budai vár házainak 1957. évi műemléki kutatásai. BudRég 19.1959. p. 301-372. WEIDINGEN-HORLER=WEIDINGEN György-HORLER Ferenc: A budai Vár 1687. és 1696. évi helyszínrajzai. TBM 11. 1956. p. 29-31. cellar ground plans has shown that three earlier houses had stood at the place where the late medieval corner house was identified. Meanwhile, within the construction system, buildings 5 and 16 in Országház Street differ from the lot size recorded in the Hauy­Rabatta land division. On the basis of the 17th century survey, two medieval buildings stood where the corner house now stands at 5 Országház Street. This is shown, among others things, by two separate cellars that open from its courtyard and which were connected by a corridor dug into the marl at the time of the merger of the two plots. Three houses are marked at the place of present day 14-15 Diisz Square in the Hauy-Rabatta land-division survey. The original medieval lot borders illustrating this fact could be observed exclu­sively in the cellars. On the basis of the observations summarized here it may be stated that the research on the Buda Castle District cellar system provides important information, as is also shown by details present­ed in this study, concerning correspondences and differences between the present day plot divisions and construction layout and the original, medieval settlement system. JUDIT ZÁDOR CELLAR RESEARCH IN THE BUDA CASTLE DISTRICT 345

