A BTM Aquincumi Múzeumának ásatásai és leletmentései 2007-ben (Aquincumi Füzetek 14. Budapest, 2008)

Kutatások az aquincumi katonaváros északnyugati zónájában (Budai Balogh Tdior)

stratigráfiai helyzete alapján mindenkép­pen későbbi a római kornál. A jövőben lesz még lehetőségünk az úttest további szakaszainak vizsgálatára. Budai Balogh Tibor Irodalom/References BUDAI BALOGII-KIRCHIIOF 2006 ­Budai Balogh T - Kirchhof A.: Budapest, III. ker, Vörösvári út 103-105., 1 írsz.: 16016/2 HORVÁTH 2007 - Horváth Z.: A Vörösvári út 103-105 sz. alatti (volt Ma­lom) régészeti ásatás geo-pedológiai vizs­gálata (Kézirat). Budapest 2007. NAGY 1938 - Nagy L: Pannónia Sacra, m: Emlékkönyv Szent István királv halálának kilencszázadik évfordulóján I., Budapest 1938,29-148. from them is that the pits were also used for household refuse, although their pri­mary function was the deposition of the ceramic vessels that had been fired in the vicinity but were n ot good enough to be sold. It seems right to suppose that the kiln waste was not transported far from the pottery workshop; the refuse pits must have been dug close to the kiln. Although we did not find kilns on the excavation ter­ritorv; the existence of a pottery workshop can be supposed in the zones left intact between the future building sites. The chronology of the uncovered Ro­man period features is not vet clear. It can, however, preliminarily be said that potters were active in the territorv or around it from the early periods of Roman settlement. Potters were probably alreadv working here at the time when the damp meadow soil covered the elevations, since an incompletely fired but otherwise intact nwrtarium was recovered from this layer, carried here together with refuse. One of the foundation walls of the stone building ran somewhat higher than this grinding bowl. West of the Roman period phenomena, the undated stone pavement of a road was found near Vörösvári Road. Based on its stratigraphie position, it must be later than the Roman period. There should be op­portunities to investigate further stretches of this road in the future. Tibor Budai Balogh

