A BTM Aquincumi Múzeumának ásatásai és leletmentései 2004-ben (Aquincumi Füzetek 11. Budapest, 2005)

A „Peristyl-ház": hitelesítő feltárás az aquincumi polgárváros északkeleti részén (T. Láng Orsolya)

PÓCZY 1955 - Póczy K.: Római épületek Óbudán a Kiscelli u. 10. sz. alatt. BudRég 16 (1955) 41. PÓCZY 1970-Póczy K.: Anwendung neuerer Ausgrabungsergebnisse bei der Ruinenkonservierung in der Bürgerstadt Aquincum. Acta Tcchnica Academiae Sci­entiarum Hungaricae 67 (1970) 177-194. PRK 1990 - Pannónia régészeti kéziköny­ve (szerk.: Mócsv A. - Pitz ).) Budapest, 1990, 204. SZILÁCYI 1950-Szilágyi J.: jelentés a Fővárosi Ókortörténeti (Aquincumi) Múzeum kutatásairól és szerzeménveiről az 1945-1948 évek folyamán. BudRég 15 (1950) 303-521. SZIRMAI 1991-Szirmai, K.: Neue Wandgemälde auf dem Gebiet der La­gerstadt von Aquincum. Köjb 24 (1991) 203-206. VAN DERI IOE VEN-FRYA NC K 2002 ­Not in my backyard? The industry of secondary animal products within the Roman civitas capital of Tongeren (Bel­gium). In 11 INGLE Y, R. & WILLIS, S. (eds.) Promoting Roman Finds: context and theory, Durham 6-7 June 2002, Durham, Oxbow. Megjelenés alatt. ZSIDI 2002 -Zsidi R: Aquincum polgár­városa. Budapest, 2002 on a large scale, even in carefully designed Roman cities with a compelling forum, broad streets, holy gardens and fountains like Aquincum. The best analogue to the "Peristyle house" was perhaps the civitas Tungrorum (Tongeren) in Belgium (VAN­DERHOEVEN-ERVYNCK 2002, in press) this respect. Cattle carcasses were processed right next to the centre of the town, leather was tanned and marrow and glue were cooked in industrial dimensions. These procedures were pursued in sepa­rate wings of more ornamented residential buildings here as well. It is assumed that these were activities within the interest sphere of the elite of the town, which accrued a significant income from bone and hide processing. The large amount of refuse, pollution and smells caused by these activities were natural offshoots of citv life. A similar situation can be found at the settlements of Nieopolis ad Istrum, Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten) or Au­gusta Raurica (Augst) as well, l'he same may have been true in the Civil Town of Aquincum although here we can also take into consideration from a sanitary point of view the prevailing northwest wind blow­ing from the Solymár valley, which would have swept out the unpleasant smells generated bv hide and bone processing. The topographic position of the workshop was not accidental: it was built along the main east-west road of the town (per­haps together with the connected booth where the products were sold), which led directly to the hypothesized location of the harbour. Thus, the heavy traffic and perhaps the hide and bone material from animal transports arriving here from the Barbaricum may have been among the

