A BTM Aquincumi Múzeumának ásatásai és leletmentései 2003-ban (Aquincumi Füzetek 10. Budapest, 2004)

Másodlagosan felhasznált római kori sírkő a Herman Ottó utcából (Beszédes József)

2. kép: A kutatóárok nyugat felől Ftg. 2: 'The trench from the West beépítve. A római sírkő laposabb formája és mérete révén jól beilleszthető ezen „fa­lazat" kövei közé. Mindez azt jelenti, hogy a feliratos római kori sírkő egy utólagos (19.-20. századi) felhasználás révén, került a szóban forgó telekre, egv ma már meghatározhatatlan lelőhelyről. A kőemlék előkerülési helve így nem bizonyult régészeti lelőhelynek. Beszédes József Irodalom/References: BURGER 1959 - Sz. Burger A.: Collegi­um! kőfaragóműhelyek Aquincumban (Marbreries collégiales a Aquincum), BudRég 19 (1959) 9-26. place where relatively intact surfaces could be investigated in the greatly disturbed territory (Fig. 2). Not a single find was uncovered from the Roman period or any other historical period during the 5 days of the excava­tion. Only a few sherds and glass frag­ments from the 19"' and 20 th centuries came to light. We could not observe any discolouration that might have indicated an archaeological feature. The only feature from the Modern peri­od that is worth mentioning is an approxi­mately 60 cm wide stony strip found at a depth of 40 cm running in a, more-or-less, northwest-southeast direction. It may perhaps come from the retaining wall of the garden of a building which had been demolished earlier or come from another garden construction. This stone strip, constructed from one or two rows of limestone and schist-like flat rocks, was partly destroyed by the trench for finding cables dug at the very beginning of 2003. The Roman tombstone was probably also brought to light at that time which sug­gest that it must have been built into this Modern period rock construction. The Roman tombstone with its flat shape and measurements could easily have fit among the stones of the "wall". For all these reasons it was determined that the inscribed tombstone from the Roman period came to this lot from an unknown provenance as a consequence of having been used secondarily (19 Hl-20 fh centuries). Thus, the site where the stone monument was recovered did not prove to be an archaeological site. József Beszédes

