Nyelvtudományi Közlemények 72. kötet (1970)

Tanulmányok - Zsilka János: A magányos sorok és a nominalizációk [Separate lines and nominalizations] 125

142 ZSILKA JÁNOS A kérdéses mondatok formájának a helye a nyelvi rendszerben: o.(jel1 )+ Yx {-tl*vel) + F3 (loc.) o.(jel1 )+ ?i(-től) + Fa (-í) ki-o. fel-o. ki-o. fel-o. el-o. meg-o. (jel2 ) + F(a) i-t) F(b) (-t) .. + ....] [ fel-o. (jela) + Fx (-í) + [(F alól, hogy M) (az alól, hogy M) ZSILKA JÁNOS Separate lines and nominalizations The author in his previous papers elaborated an organic system of the sentence" forms with object. The essence of the system is: the forms can be derived from one another; in the course of the dérivation more and more generál forms turn up; the forms — more and more generál — extend over more and more wide connections of reality. The levels of the organic system are: transformational groups — lines constructed with V (ni!); separate lines — constructed with V(m2); separate lines — constructed with V(m3). E.g.: Vími) + N, (acc./*instr) + N2 (loc.) V(vaj) + Ki (instr.) .,] + N2 (obj. acc [V(m2 ) + + N2 (obj. acc.) + N 3 (loc.)] [V(m3 ) + + N2 (obj. acc.) = S] . The author had already in his previous papers demonstrated, that the generál transformation (i.e. the nominalizations) appear on the level of V(m3). In the présent paper the author gives évidence to the fact that the nominalizations can appear in each position of the lines constructed with V(m3). JÁNOS ZSILKA

