Magyarország nemzetiségeinek és a szomszédos államok magyarságának statisztikája /1910–1990/ Az 1992. szeptember 2–5. között Budapesten megrendezett Nemzetiségi Statisztikai Konferencia előadásai (1994)


CONTENTS Page FOREWORD György Vukovich 13 THE EDITOR NOTES 17 OPENING SPEECH Ferenc Glatz 19 I. GENERAL QUESTIONS OF NATIONALITY STATISTICS Nationality statistics in Europe and in Hungary András Klinger 22 Problematics of nationality statistics József Kovacsics 42 Nationality statistics, nationality law Imre Takács 54 II. STATISTICAL FEATURES OF HUNGÁRIÁN MINORITY LIVING IN NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES 1. Hungarians in Rumania The Hungárián minority in Rumania /Size and territorial distribution/ Vasile Ghejáu 64 Number and territorial situation of Hungarians in Rumania according to the data of population census in 1992 Zoltán Dávid 68 Data about the number and territorial distribution of Hungarians living in Transylvania Károly Vécsei 75 Population of Transylvania Jenő Váralljai Csocsán 88 2. Hungarians in Slovakia Changes in the number, composition and settlement areas of Hungarians living in Slovakia Gyula Popély 94 Somé problems of ethnic statistics /The precedent of Slovakia/ Dezső Dányi 100 Data on the development of the number and settlement structure of the Hungarians living in Slovakia László Gyurgyik 116 Data concerning the number of Hungárián minority living in Czechoslovakia between 1945-1970 Lajos Pollák 127 6

