1990 POPULATION CENSUS Detailed data based on a 2 per cent representative sample (1992)
INTRODUCTION The processing of the data of the 1990 population census is in progress, its results are issued by the Hungárián Central Statistical Office in a publication series. Up to now, of this series volume 1 "Preliminary Data" has been published with the preliminary results of the census — population size, population growth, distribution by sex, the number of dwellings and their composition by number of rooms — by type of locality. The present publication is based on the results of the processing of a 2 per cent representative sample selected from the 1990 population census materials. It gives information on the demographic and occupational composition of the country's population, of the latter's conditions with regard to household and family, housing conditions as well as on the main characteristics of the dwellings. It alsó contains the most important data of former population censuses adapted to the present concepts, permitting in this way to compare the respective data of the population censuses in the form of time series and more simple data combinations. The publication — similarly to the overwhelming majority of the volumes issued on population censuses — is mainly a data collection but it analyzes, in a brief text, the most important statistical indicators, phenomena and changes without aiming at completeness. A separate chapter outlines the method of sampling, another chapter the confidence limits of the 1990 data which, besides the description, alsó contains, in numbers, the absolute and relative errors — resulting from the sampling — of several characteristic data. The concepts used are described in the chapter "Explanation of concepts". Due to the character of the representative sample, the 1990 data published in the volume may differ from the results of the subsequent full-scope processing.