1990. ÉVI NÉPSZÁMLÁLÁS Budapest VI. kerület adatai (1992)
INTRODUCTION The results of the 1990 population census are published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office in a series of publications. Within the framework of this series the detailed data of the census are published in separate volumes for each county and for the capital. Every volume makes it possible to perform comparisons to the main characteristics with the results of previous censuses and contains the explanation of the concepts used. In the case of Budapest the demand on data on the part of the local governments of the districts as well as the interest on the part of specialists and scientific research-workers justify that the district-related date be made available separately for all the 22 districts as supplements to the volume containing the data of the capital. Every district-related publication includes a great number of combined tables freating such subjects as demography, educational attainment, economic activity (employment, unemployment), sectoral and occupational composition, household- and family structure and housing conditions, according to the situation of january 1, 1992. However, in this framework retrospective data could not be published. With regard to the concepts used detailed information is to be found in the volume "The data of Budapest". 4