1990. ÉVI NÉPSZÁMLÁLÁS 17. Somogy megye adatai (1992)
INTRODUCTION The results of the 1990 population census are published by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office in a series of publications. The first volume of this series contains the preliminary results of the census. Besides, also a volume containing the most important data combinations based on a 2 percent sample selected from the population census returns, has been published. According to the demands, efforts were made to make separately available, even before the publication of the detailed data, some pieces of information which may be of interest to people in leading positions in the state administration and local selfgovernments as well as to scientific research workers and to other specialists. Therefore, besides the traditional population census publications, volumes with the data of the sex and age composition of the population by localities as well as with the main data of inner and outer areas have been published. As a continuation of the series of publications, with regard to each county a separate volume is being published containing the detailed demographic occupational, household and family data of the population census. The volumes consist of seven parts. The chapter "Summary Data" provides a retrospective comparison with the results of previous population and housing censuses. This is followed by combined tables of 1990 about the county as a whole, the county seat and the urban areas, by information in the form of locality series and finally, by the data of the urban and rural areas by population-size categories. The volumes contain the data according to the country's administrative division as, of January 1, 1990. However, the appendix provides guidance also with regard to the changes in the administrative divisions over the two past years. Each volume has an additional chapter with explanation of the concepts applied. 4