1949. ÉVI NÉPSZÁMLÁLÁS Vallási adatok százalékos megoszlása településenkent (1996)


CONTENTS Preface 6 Tables 1. Summary data 1.1 The population by religion and sex, 1920—1949 10 1.2 The population by counties, regional units and types of locality 1.2.1 Percentage distribution by religion, total 11 1.2.2 Percentage distribution by religion, males 12 1.2.3 Percentage distribution by religion, females 13 1.2.4 Percentage distribution by region, total 14 1.2.5 Percentage distribution by region, males 15 1.2.6 Percentage distribution by region, females 16 1.3 Urban population by religion, by urban areas (towns) 1.3.1 Total 17 1.3.2 Males 18 1.3.3 Females 19 2. The 1941 data of the deficient localities of the county of Fejér 20 3. The population by religion, by localities Budapest 22 The county of Baranya 23 The county of Bács-Kiskun 29 The county of Békés 31 The county of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén 33 The county of Csongrád 40 The county of Fejér 42 The county of Győr-Sopron 44 The county of Hajdú-Bihar 48 The county of Heves 50 The county of Komárom 52 The county of Nógrád 54 The county of Pest 57 The county of Somogy 61 The county of Szabolcs-Szatmár 66 The county of Szolnok 71 The county of Tolna 73 The county of Vas 75 The county of Veszprém 80 The county of Zala 85 Name index 91 4

