Dr. Péter Balázs: Guide to the archives of Hungary (Budapest, 1976)

A Nyíregyházi Evangélikus Gyülekezet Levéltára (Archives of the Nyíregyháza Evangelical Congregation)

A NYÍREGYHÁZI EVANGÉLIKUS GYÜLEKEZET LEVÉLTÁRA (ARCHIVES OF THE NYÍREGYHÁZA EVANGELICAL CONGREGATION) 4400 NYÍREGYHÁZA, Iskola u. 1. Tel. 13-60. Handled by the dean Dániel BENKÓCZY The records are gathered from 1753, the resettlement of Nyíregyháza, but the settlers brought four letters of interest from 1683 to 1743 with them. In 1836 the pastor Sámuel MIKLÓSFY had the records bound into three "letter books", then he completed them by a fourth volume of arriving letters in 1851. (The volumes contain also the indices to the letters.) Since then the records were managed by the leading pastors. The congregation was also the seat of the dean for a longer or shorter time, then also the seat of the super­intendent in the present century. The archives of the diocese and the church district were taken over by the National Evangelical Archives after 1952, so the present archives contain the correspondence of the congregation only. During the two World Wars one volume of death registers has disappeared, but it may be partly retrieved by the prenotations of the time. The Archives are maintained by the Nyíregyháza Evangelical Congregation. At present the Archives preserve the records of two congregations, the Nyíregyháza Evangelical Congregation and the Southern Szabolcs Missionary Congregation, having existed from 1935 to 1965. The archival material totals 25 running metres. Of the material of the Nyíregyháza Evangelical Con­gregation the letter books and the Historia Domus, led from 1802 on the history of the congregation, are the most valuable. We might mention also the records of the episcopal visitations and the journals of the district (from 1820). The list of archival groups is ready, the shelf list is in progress from 1974. There is no publication on the Archives of the Congregation. * The research room, at the same time the office of the leading minister, is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dániel BENKÓCZY

