Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


303 István Brodarics to Johann Wese [Boroszló?],1 before 16 June 15381 2 Manuscript used: HHStA, Ung. Akt. Fasc. 35. Konv C, föl. 187.3 Published: ETE III., 264. Brodarics requests Archbishop of Lund Johann Wese to achieve with Ferdinand that the King pay his debt of500forints, 200 of which is due to Elek Thurzó, while 300 is due to Provost of Esztergom András Csézi. He assures Wese that he has spent more thousand gold coins of his own money during his work for peace than the number of 100 forints this debt amounts to. - 2. If there is an opportunity. Wese should remind Ferdinand of his conflict with the hostile Nádasdy and the issue of the Abbey ofZalavár. Reverendissime Domine. [1.] Hoc, quod nunc peto, ut Vestra Dominatio pro me facere velit, credat mihi Vestra Dominatio, quod non libenter facio, sed necessitas me ad hoc compellit et principis mei erga me Vestrae Dominationi nota liberalitas. 5 Sum multis debitis implicatus propter istas, tam diuturnas pro pace Hungarica sus­ceptas legationes. Debeo inter alios domino Thurzoni florenorum ducentos, domino Andreae praeposito Strigoniensi,4 praeceptori meo florenorum trecentos. Rogo Vestram Dominationem, si tamen ei videtur, velit facere duo verba maiestati regiae, huic domino meo clementissimo, dignetur in hac parvula summa me sublevare sua maiestas, io deputando hanc summam in prima regni ditionis suae maiestatis contributione, utramque summam, in toto florenorum quingentos domino Thurzoni; potero Deo propitio hoc suae maiestati adhuc obsequiis et servitute mea promereri. Expendi plura milia aureorum, quam ista centena sint, in eum finem rei deducendae gratia, quem maiestas sua scit, ab eo tantum tempore, quo primum ad maiestatem suam ventitare 15 inceperam. Ita Deus me adiuvet. Idque de meo, ultra ea, quae mihi rex meus subministrabat. Hoc est, quod a Vestra Dominatione, ut faciat, peto, si videtur. [2.] De Nadasdino, filio meo, qui se certe inique mecum gerit, de abbatia Zaladiensi5 1 The letter has no date. It was probably written in Boroszló because Brodarics stayed there in the first half of June. 2 Sine dato, but it was written certainly before 16 June 1538 because that is when Ferdinand wrote to Thurzó about the issue and paid out the 500 forints requested by Brodarics (see: ETE, III. 278. ill. HHStA, Ung. Akt. Fasc. 35. Konv. C, fol. 73.). 5 Autograph. 4 Provost of Esztergom András Csézi and Brodarics were long-time acquaintances. Brodarics attend­ed the doctoral exam of András Csézi in 1501 in Padua as witness. Csézi, like Brodarics, was Canon of Zagreb at the time. See Viíress Endre, A paduai egyetem magyarországi tanulóinak anyakönyve és iratai, Budapest, 1915.23. 5 Nádasdy was not the administrator of the Abbey ofZalavár by this time. He renounced estates of the Abbey in exchange for the inheritance obtained through Orsolya Kanizsay on 6 August 1534. In 1535,4116 Abbey fell into the hands of Ferenc Hassághy, nephew of Constable of Kanizsa Dénes Hassághy. See Füssy Tamás, A zalavári apátság története... 118-120. 532

