Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


solo7 mato[?] scripturo ad te, ut dicit, pulcherrimas litteras, sed vide, ne mentiatur iuxta solitum. Tu, credo, quod istinc ibis ad tuam Ursulinam,8 cui me commendabis et vestium utriusque patri, domino Dionisio,9 quem hortate, ne meas iustas preces contemnat. Tu scis, me iustum petere. Mirarer ego, si fallerer exspectatione et iustissima spe mea. Tu 15 scis, quia iustum petivi et valde honestum. Rogo ne spernatis preces meas. Et bene valete ambo, imrno omnes. Ex Buda, 21. Decembris 1532. Servitor Sinniensis subscripsit 20 Doleo, quod dominus noster reverendissimus adeo contempserit preces meas de fratre Donato hic relinquendo, cuius opera multum indigebam. On the outer side: Magnifico domino Thomae Nadasdino thesaurario regio, domino etc. 180 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda, 26 December 1532 Manuscript used: MOL, E 185, Brodarics-levelek, fol. 51-52. Published: K.UJÁNI Gábor, Brodarics István levelezése. Történelmi Tár, 1908, 291-292. In Hungarian: V. Kovács Sándor (cd.). Magyar humanisták levelei XV-XVI. század, Budapest, 1971, 581-582. I. They are all wondering why there are no news coming from Nádasdy about how the talks progress. - 2. King John is going to arrive in Buda after the holidays. - 3. Requests Nádasdy to use his influence for Bálint Török and Pád Bakics to stop plundering possessions of the bishopric of Pécs. In order to achieve this, he should use the authority of Katzianer and János Szalay, too. — 4. Everybody will be better off if everything in Pécs remains the way it was at the time of János Szervesen: it is easier to get back the bishopric from Broda­rics than from somebody else, if King John deems it necessary. In this, Nádasdy • can rely on Elek Thurzó and Tamás Szalaházy, too. Requests Nádasdy to bring up the matter with Frangepán and Werbőczy too. Magnifice Domine uti Fili Carissime. Salutem et servitiorum meorum commenda­tionem. [1.] Miramur omnes, quod nihil de vobis et de actionibus vestris intelligere pos­7 Nothing more is known about Hercule Missolo. Some of his letters have survived in the Nádasdy Collection in which he asked for patronage imprisoned in Kassa in 1536. See: MOL, E 185, Hercules-leve- lei, fol. 2-9. Hercules Missolus, adventurer of Dalmatian origin (see: John V. A. Fini:, When Ethnicity Did Not Matter in the Balkans: A Study of Identity in Pre-Nationalist Croatia. Dalmatia, and Slavonia in the Medieval and Early-Modern Periods. Michigan: The University of Michigan Press. 21)06. 248.) whose service in England in 1529 has been substantiated. See: J. S. Bruwhr, Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic of the Reign of Henry VIII. IV/2-3, London, 1872-1876. Nr. 5325., Nr. 5359. 8 Orsolya Kanizsay was the wife of Tamás Nádasdy. 9 Dénes Hassághy, Constable of Kanizsa. Brodarics keeps mentioning him in his letters to Nádasdy. 339

