Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


164 István Brodarics to Dénes Hassághy1 Buda, 13 August 1532 Manuscript used: MOL, E 185, Brodarics-levele Hassághynak, föl. 1-4. Published: Kujáni Gábor. Brodarics István levelezése, Történelmi Tár, 1908, 282-284. In Hungarian: V. Kovács Sándor (ed.), Magyar humanisták levelei XV-XVI. század, Budapest, 1971, 575-577. /. He has talked to Gr itti about the case of the captured scribe Pál. He was 1 old that the scribe is not a serv­ant of Nádasdy but of the Treasury, so Gritti considers his imprisonment justified for the complaints against him until the investigation is concluded. Gritti wants to compensate the complainants. Scribe Pál had /500 forints with him when he was arrested. - 2. The scribe stated ihat he had done everything on commands form the King and Nádasdy. Gritti does not believe this and scribe Pál cannot prove it. - 3. He does not under­stand why Nádasdy has bad feelings towards him: he, on his part, never cheated him. and he has nothing to do with the imprisonment of scribe Pál. - 4. He resents that Nádasdy threatens him with not answering his messages unless scribe Pál is released; he did not imprison the scribe and did not suggest it. On the other hand, he has always been a good friend of Nádasdy, so he does not deserve this. - 5. When scribe Pál was captured, he, Brodarics, did everything he could to intervene on his behalf but could do nothing, so many were the complaints against him. He does not understand why Slavonian noblemen do not hurry to King John this might bring the demise of their country. Egregie Domine, Amice Honorande. Salutem et commendationem. [1.] Accepi litteras, quas ad me per servitorem Pauli Kys misistis, de quo negotio et de aliis per dominum Stephanum Chany2 nuntiatis. Miror, quod dominus Thomas Nadasdinus nihil ad me scripserit, cum sciam pro certo ipsum tunc, cum iste nuntius 5 dimittebatur, domi fuisse. Postquam igitur iam per interpretem mihi est cum ipso agendum (medio Dominationis Vestrae), sciat Vestra Dominatio, quod ego illustrissimo domino gubernatori sum locutus de captivitate Pauli3 diligenter, qui dicit, quod dominus Tho­mas nihil habet in hoc aegreferre vel conqueri. Quia dominus gubernator non servi­torem domini Nadasdini, sed suum proprium in carcerem coniecit, non sine magna et io evidentissima culpa. Debet autem scire dominus Thomas hunc fuisse servitorem domini gubernatoris relictum ad servitia officii sui thesaurariatus apud dominum Thomam instar aliorum servitorum suae illustrissimae dominationis, quos omnes apud dominum Thomam reliquerat tanquam apud generalem vicegercntem suum; fatentur hoc illi, quorum medio fuit Paulus positus ad obsequia illustrissimi domini. Non est 1 Dénes Hassághy, Constable of Kanizsa.- István Csány was a familiaris of Nádasdy. ■' Seribe Pál Pozaka was a tax collector in the service of the treasury. According to Szerémi's report, he took part, together with Nádasdy and Simon Athinai Deák, in a play that mocked Gritti, and which included an attack on one of the tricesimators of Gritti and robbing 2000 marks from him. (See S/l ki-MI György, Magyarország romlásáról...276-277.) Besides complaints against him and failures to balance accounts that Brodarics refers to, this might also have played a part in Gritti imprisoning him. Szerémi also reports that Gritti had scribe Pál hanged in his own house on the octave of Pentecost (26 May 1532) (see SziiRtiMi György, Magyarország romlásáról...278.). Even if this execution really took place it certainly hap­pened later because it is clear from Brodarics’ letter that scribe Pál is still alive in mid-August. 317

