Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


Ex Warkon, 2. Iulii 1532. Servitor Sirmiensis subscripsit On the outer side: Magnifico domino Thomae de Nadasd consiliario regio etc., domino uti filio carissimo 159 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda, 10 July 1532 Manuscript used: MOL, E 185, Brodarics-levelek, fol. 25-27.1 Published: Kujáni Gábor, Brodarics István levelezése, Történelmi Tár, 1908, 277-278. In Hungarian: V. Kovács Sándor (ed.). Magyar humanisták levelei XV-XVl. század, Budapest, 1971, 570-571. I. He has written to Nádasdy severat times and is wondering why no response comes. - 2. Nádasdy should hurry to King John in Buda and bring as much silverware as he can. He should also bring presents to Grilti to whom he has to be grateful and whom he needs not suspect because rumours about him are false. Gritti is on the country's side and nobody else can save the country. King John made him Chief Commander too. - 3. Nádasdy should convince Kiaylad and Szalav as well to give up neutrality and join John, or else they risk losing the King’s goodwill. — 4. The Sultan is near the Drove river, his messenger is expected any day. The Germans are preparing for the reception of Suleyman. - 5. He still has no reliable news on the fate of Ferdinand. - 6. After János Szerecsen died, Ferenc Pethne gave over the castle of Pécs to Péter Bodá without King John s knowledge or approval. Domine Magnifice. Salutem et servitia mea. [1.] Multa ad te frequentissime scripsi, miror, quod nullum possum habere respon­sum ad tot scripta. [2.] Maiestas regia, dominus noster clementissimus vellet omnino, quod venires et 5 statim cum meliori [!] apparatu quo potes, ducas argentaria, si qua habere potes, non solum tua, sed etiam ab amicis. Quia his rex multum indiget. Nihil ei facere potes gratius. Non venias, si fieri potest, sine aliquo munere, etiam ad dominum guberna­torem, qui non est tibi contemnendus, cum fuerit et sit dominus tuus et scis, quanto te amore sit prosecutus et quam in te beneficus fuerit in extrema tua necessitate.2 Illa, io quae de ipso fuerant dicta, scias pro certo omnia fuisse vel magnam partem eorum falsam de affectato imperio etc.3 Est vir sincerus et severus nihil aliud agens in veritate. 11 11 severus correxi ex: seberus 1 Autograph.- A recurrent argument regarding Gritti in letters from Brodarics to Nádasdy. Namely, Nádasdy owed his life to Gritti mainly when he was taken prisoner by the Turks in Buda in 1529. 3 Brodarics is trying to convince Nádasdy that Gritti is not trying to remove John and grab power in the country. 308

