Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


Coactus sum dare pecunias ad manus domini provisoris6 non obstante illo, quod nunc [?] nuntiaverat Dominationibus Vestris dominus Nadasdi per dominum Lazki. servitores 20 Franciscus de Frangepanibus et Hieronymus Lasky subscripsit Nam Mynkwycz7 est hic apud nos, gentes autem suae sunt in Kezmark, quae exibunt, si non habebunt solutionem. On the hack side: Magnificis dominis, episcopo Sirmiensi, [Thjomae de Nadasd etc, fratribus carissimis 135 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Gyulafehérvár, 25 April 1531 Manuscript used: MOL, E 185, Brodarics-levelek, fol. 1-2. Published: Kajjáni Gábor, Brodarics István levelezése 1508—1538, Történelmi Tár, 1908, 264—265. 1. Spoke to the King about Maylád. Regarding this issue either it should be the way it has been agreed with Szapolyai in Kolozsvár or, if Maylád is impossible to convince, the King will persuade Werbőczy to relin­quish the castle of Vécs in Transylvania to Maylád. Nádasdy, on the other hand, should make Maylád understand that he should be satisfied with what he can get because it is far more than what Szapolyai s old followers can hope for, and more than what he could have ever got from Ferdinand. - 2. Doctor Donát has arrived, but he would prefer Nádasdy to come to Gyulafehérvár to enduring hardships of camp life. Magnifice Domine, uti Fili Carissime. Salutem et servitia. [1.] De negotio domini Maylath,1 fratris nostri locutus sum rursus diligenter cum maiestate regia, domino nostro clementissimo, cuius responsum est hoc: ut vel fiat 6 Probably a reference to the Court Administrator in Buda, who was Simon Athinai Deák at the time. See Kubjnyi András, Rabokfeliratai a budai Csonkatoronyban, Budapest Régiségei, 1958, 520. 7 Mikolaj Minkwitz, Polish knight, formerly in Saxon service. Data exists from 1528 (see Tomicki’s letter on 9 September 1528) that he was the commander of the German auxiliary troops sent to Szapolyai. This reference seems to indicate that he stayed in Hungary for a longer period. Laski refers to him in a letter from 1535 as an enemy whom he managed to capture. 1 István Maylád (1502-1550), Captain of the castle of Fogaras, Voivod of Transylvania and Székely Comes in 1534-1541 as an adherent of Szapolyai. He stirs up a riot against Szapolyai in 1540, for which Suleyman has him captured in 1541. He dies in prison in Istanbul. See more on Maylád: Majlátii Béla, Oklevelek Maylád István történetéhez 1530-1551, Történelmi Tár, 1891,621-638; 1892, 75-95.; and more recently: VARGA Szabolcs, A Maylád-féle lázadás történetének kritikai vizsgálata = Grastyán Endre Szak- kollégium tanulmánykötete 2., 2001,277-293. 266

