Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


5 datis accepi, mihi et meis facere negotium et mille vexationes. Rursus occupavit quas­dam ad ecclesiam meam item ad praeposituram Aquarum calidarum Budensium,11 quam hospitali egenorum retuli Vestrae Maiestati esse dicatam, pertinentes pos­sessiones. Addidit his diebus et alia multa meorum spolia. [2.] Oro, obsecro, supplico humillime Vestrae Sacrae Maiestati, si ipse ab huius- lo modi insolentiis prohiberi non potest, nec dicto vult esse oboediens, prohibeantur saltem alii servitores Vestrae Maiestatis, ne eum contra me adiuvent. Ego enim ab ipso me facile tuebor, si alii eum non iuverint. Et hoc cum ego dies et noctes cum tanto rerum mearum et valetudinis damno in his elaborem, quae sunt ad gloriam et com­modum Vestrae Sacrae Maiestatis et clarissimae illius familiae expensis infinitis in hoc 15 factis, indignissimum certe putarem, si Vestra Sacra Maiestas, sapientissimus alioqui et optimus princeps plus uni publico latroni ac praedoni faveret, quam mihi tantos labores in bonum et commodum Vestrae Maiestatis facienti. Meam humillimam servitutem in gratiam Vestrae Sacrae Maiestatis humiliter com­mendo. Quam Deus conservet semper felicem et incolumem. 20 Bononiae, 18. Iulii 1536. Eiusdem Vestrae Sacrae Maiestatis humilis servitor Stephanus Brodericus Quinqueecclesiensis subscripsit On the outer side: Serenissimo Principi et Domino, Domino Ferdinando divina favente clementia Romanorum Regi etc. semper Augusto Domino Clementissimo 270 István Brodarics to Charles V Padua, 27 November 1536 Manuscript used: HHStA, Ung. Akt. Fasc. 29. Konv. C, fol. 37-38. /. The Emperor must have heard about the Turkish fortress built on the Sava river. - 2. The Turks are con­stantly Hying to occupy dioceses of Pécs and Zagreb, which protect Italy, especially the area between the Drava and the Sava rivers. Castles here, especially Zagreb and Varasd, can serve as bridgeheads for attacks 11 Budafelhévíz, Pilis county. It was Béla III who donated the Provostship of the Augustinian order named after the Holy Trinity to the hospitaller canons of Esztergom. The institution that had been function­ing as a co-chapter since 1445 served as a locus credibilis as well as nursing the sick. A recently found supplicatio seems to suggest that Brodarics had the possessions of the Provostship. He approached Pope Adrian VI back on 17 June 1523 with the request to give him Provostship of Budafelhéviz that became vacant when György Szatmári was appointed Archbishop of Esztergom. According to the supplicatio, he got it. (See ASV Reg. Suppi. 1787. fol 57r-v. - I am thankful to Bálint Lakatos for this piece of data.) More fully on the history of the Provostship, see Nűmethy Lajos, Adatok a budafelhévizi Szent-Háromságról nevezett prépostság és káptalan történetéhez, Budapest, 1883. Berekal and Széplak in Tolna county could be the two estates of the Provostship that Kápolnay could reach and loot. 485

