Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


216 Manuscript used: HHStA, Ung. Akt. Fasc. 23. Konv, C, fol. 98r-99r I. The Pope returned to Rome on 10 December. Nothing is known about his talks with the French King, but it is said that only family matters were discussed. Casali sent word that he had arranged everything as John had wished, hut has not made it to Rome yet because he got fever on the way. - 2. They have received no news from Hungary, even though Ferdinand is spreading the news that he has signed peace with the Sultan, but he is not mentioning King John. Cardinals Trivulzio and Farnese greet them. Gaddi is staying with King Francis. Old Marsupino is waiting for their letter in Tibur, or for Púl Szondi, who has not arrived yet. - 3. The Sultan is preparing for war against Koron, a castle the Emperor wants to defend. - 4. Allegedly <V of his priests beat Bishop of Verona to death. Knight Casali is in England, so King Henry VIII has no leg­ate left in Rome. - 5. It turned out that the Bishop has not been killed after all; imperial forces are fighting hard to defend Koron; they have killed many Turks the other day. - 6. King John should send legates and news more often for his own good, otherwise he will lose in the diplomatic battle to Ferdinand. Giovanni Marsupino to István Brodarics and Ferenc Frangepán Rome, 18 December 1533 Reverendissimi Domini, Domini Praesules Observandi. Commendatione praemissa etc. [1.] Scripsi serenissimo domino regi decima Decembris, quod pontifex salvus et sanus Romam redierat, scripsi postea 14 eiusdem mensis eadem suae maiestati et 5 Vestris Reverendissimis Dominationibus.1 Scribo et nunc quoque Suam Sanctitatem salvam et incolumem huc rediisse decima Decembris. De his, quae cum Galliarum (!) rege tractavit, nihil omnino possumus scire, adeo sunt secreta.1 2 Certum est, quod cae- sari Carolo non placuit istud colloquium. Rex Galliae cum maxima pompa et summa humanitate tractavit pontificem, cum maxima concordia discesserunt. Quidquid partu- lo riet conventus ille, videbimus. Hoc tamen pro certo creditur, quod nihil, nisi de privatis rebus sint collocuti. Orator serenissimi domini regis scripsit huc, se omnia regis nego­tia ad nutum perfecisse, ipse nondum rediit, sed correptus febricula mansit in Gallia.3 Credo eum brevi affuturum. [2.] Mirantur multum, quod nihil vestrarum litterarum ad nos datis, cum hic nemo is sit, qui sciat, in quo statu sint res Hungáriáé. Rex Ferdinandus fecit hic imprimere pacem perpetuam factam cum imperatore Turearum. De rege nulla fit mentio, neque de Hungária, nisi quod se ubique scribit regem Hungáriáé. Famesius4 se commendat 1 See Marsupino’s letter in Italian on 14 December. 2 Pope Clement met the French King in Marseille. Here they carried through the marriage of Catherine de’ Medici and Francis’ son Prince Henri. Charles V was worried, understandably, by the Pope and the French getting closer. Nothing has leaked from the talks, however. The lack of information is a recurring theme not only in Marsupino’s letter in December but in all report on the Marseille talks by legates. See Ludwig von Pastor, Geschichte der Papste, vol. 4. Freiburg, 1956, 480. 3 See the letter by Francesco Casali on 18 November. 4 Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, the future Pope Paul III. 403

