Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


20 liae Narbonensis.4 Tureus miserat et mari et terra ad recuperandum Coron5 validum exercitum, et quaedam alia attulit magis particularia et notu minus digna. Mendacio­rum autem tantum, quantum vix muli XVI. portare possent. Servitor Sirmiensis subscripsit On the outer side: Magnifico domino Thomae Nadasdino, consiliario regio etc., dom­ino uti filio carissimo 197 István Brodarics to Tamás Nádasdy Buda, 17 June 1533 Manuscript used: MOL, E 185, Brodarics-levelek, fol. 72-73. Published: Kujáni Gábor, Brodarics István levelezése 1508—1538, Történelmi Tár, 1908, 330. In Hungarian: V. Kovács Sándor (ed.), Magyar humanisták levelei XV-XVI. század, Budapest, 1971, 588-589. /. Grill i writes from Istanbul that the case of King John is on the right track even though his adversaries try to hinder his efforts in every possible way, mainly using money. - 2. Ferdinand's legate negotiates with Gritti only. 3. Péter Bornemisza is in Istanbul with the Governor loo. Magnifice Domine, uti Fili Carissime. Servitia et commendationem. [1.] Nunc Vestrae Dominationi possum scribere venisse ex Constantinopoli a domino gubernatore litteras, in quibus scribit negotia maiestatis regiae, domini nostri cle- mentissimi et huius miseri regni esse in bono statu, et quod sperat omnino, quod omnia 5 concludet et conficiet iuxta votum regiae maiestatis, licet et adversarii sibi non desint oppugnantes nos rebus omnibus et maxime pecuniis. [2.] Scribit, quod postquam illuc appulit, reiecta fuisse in eum omnia ista negotia Hungarica, ut per eum tractarentur et transigerentur. Commissum etiam fuisse oratori1 regis Romanorum, ut cum ipso tractaret de omnibus, et ab ipso exspectaret, qui iam io semel apud ipsum fuerat, instructionem etiam ei obtulerat, quam a principe suo habebat, 4 Clement VII planned a meeting with French King Francis I for as soon as April but it had to be postponed because of the resistance of pro-emperor cardinals. Finally they agreed to meet in Nice in Sep­tember 1533. But the meeting fell through again and it took place in Marseille between 12 October and 12 November. It cannot be proven that the English King was meant to be there. Henry VIII tried to talk Francis I into persuading the Pope to allow Henry’s divorce from Catherine of Aragon, but since he failed to get the permission, he divorced in June 1533 and married Anne Boleyn. After this, Clement VII threatened him with excommunication. 5 The Sultan agreed to accept peace with Ferdinand on the condition the he gets the castle of Eszter­gom in Hungary and Charles V lets him have the fortress of Koron of strategic importance on the Pelopon­nese Peninsula, which the Spaniards captured in 1532. Ferdinand sent the keys of Esztergom to Constanti­nople and tried to persuade his brother to hand over Koron, but without success. Jeromos Zárai, Ferdinand’s legate to Istanbul. 363

