Kasza Péter (szerk.): Stephanus Brodericus - Epistulae (Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum, Series Nova XIV., Argumentum Kiadó - Magyar Országos Levéltár, Budapest, 2012)


167 István Brodarics to Francesco De’ Nobili' Buda, 14 August 1532 Manuscript used: HHStA, Ung. Akt. Fasc. 21. Konv. A, fol. 9.2 /. He is pleased to have heard from the Hungarian Miklós that De’ Nobili has arrived in Venice. — 2. The Sultan has left Vienna already and intends to give battle to ihe Emperor. - 3. The Turks have captured Péter Petényi and took him to the castle of Belgrade where his own soldiers guard him. - 4. Gritti. raised Com­mander in Chief is preparing to besiege Esztergom. Messer Francisco Carissimo. [1.] Pur questi giomi ho inteso la Vostra giunta in Venetia da Nicolo Flungaro, dela qualcosa me ho realegrato assai, perché Ve amo ex corde [2.] Nove non habiamo per adesso se non queste che intendereti da questo fante 5 Francesco dal Marino el quale é stato cum noi. Lo Imperatore de turchi é passato horamai Vienna, va cercando conflicto. Del Carlo non se intende altro.3 [3.] El Vostro signore Petro Periny é messo in presone dal’Imperatore et é mandato a Belgrado. In li castelli ancora sono li sói.4 [4.] El signore Gritti é el tutto. Va adesso con unó belő exercito sotto Strigonio. E’ fato ío novamente dal Serenissimo Re nostro generale capitaneo.5 Et bene valete. 7 7 post Vostro del. Pc 1 Francesco De’ Nobili (Cherea), actor from Lucca. Presumably, he was active in the first half of the 16'1' century. The exact dates of his birth and death are unknown. The stage name Cherea alludes to a char­acter in Terence’s Eunuchus, which was one of his highly successful performances. De’ Nobili, besides translating and staging numerous plays by Plautus and Terence, played an important part in shaping Italian- language commedia dell'arte. He was among the favourite actors of Pope Leo X. After the latter’s death (1521) he returned to Venice, where the privy council employed him as a political agent besides his activities as actor. Marino Sanudo’s diaries tell us that Hungarian legates were given accommodation mostly in the house of De’ Nobili, and this applies to Brodarics as well, who arrived in Venice in January 1530 (see: Marino Sanudo, I Diarii, Venezia, 1890-1898, Tom. LII. 462-463.). Their acquaintance probably dates from here. De’ Nobili visited Hungary several times. He was in Buda during the carnival in 1532 and played a great part in producing the satirical play that mocked Lodovico Gritti on which György Szerémi reports. For Szerémi’s account, see: Szerémi György, Magyarország romlásáról... 276-277. On the Gritti-play and the role of De’ Nobili in it, see Kardos Tibor, A Gritti-játék keletkezése, Irodalomtörténeti Közlemények, 1970, 547-559. On De’ Nobili’s journeys to Hungary, see: Székely György, Olasz színész budai útjai 1527-1532, Filológiai Közlöny, 1964, 387-389. 2 Autoraph 3 Regarding this see the notes for the letter to French legate Lazare de Bai'f. 4 Regarding this see the notes for the letter to French legate Lazare de Baif. 5 Szapolyai appointed Gritti as Commander in Chief on around 10 July. See on this the letter by Bro­darics to Nádasdy on 10 July. 322

